6| A Friend

863 33 21

( Your Everyday Walmart)

Italic: Amanda

Bold: Charles

Walmart phone

"Hello this is customer service, My name is Charles. How can I help you?"

"Don't you ever get annoyed of saying that over and over again?"

"Yeah, But it's my job and yet they pay me a good amount."

"Any-who I went to Walmart yesterday."

"You did? I think you called because something happened."

"No, just wanted to tell you I got a bicycle."

"Congrats I guess...why are you telling me this?"

"Because your my friends and friends should know what they do. Even at the store, they work in."

"Okay, But you remember I gave you my phone number right?"

"Yeah, But what's the fun of that when I could just bother you."

"So that's why you called."

"Yeah and also my friend broke her car. So we are stuck in the hospital for hours."

"How did the car break exactly?"

"She got mad and...crashed into her ex's car. That she broke up with this morning."

"Wow, were you in the car?"

"Yeah, But I'm Fine. I'm worried about the car the kid who was in the back of her ex's car."

"There was a kid?"

"His kid exactly. I mean he was injured pretty badly and is in the emergency room."

"How Bad was it?"

"His head was bleeding and most of his ribs broke. And I don't think he can straighten his back since his spine broke."

"Wow must be tough."

"Yeah. Well, my friend just is pissed off and still is. She keeps yelling at me for some reason. I mean she didn't care about the child or the guy either."

"That's not a good friend. She's going to keep yelling at you. If she doesn't care about what she did. She won't care about what she could do to you."

"Yeah, thanks."

"Just go check on the kids and the guy. He must be going through a lot."

"Thanks for the friendly advice, my friend."

"Pleasure to help you!"

- hang up -

"Dammit, I still don't know her name!"

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