8| New Job

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( Your Everyday Walmart)

Italic: Amanda

Bold: Charles

phone: Amanda Ringing...



"How are you? I've haven't heard you for a while."

"Oh, sorry I've been busy."

"You? And Busy?"

"Yeah, I've been trying to find a job."

"Is it because of what I said last time?

"Oh no, I had to get one."

"Had to get one?"

"Yeah, I'm trying to save up before I turn eighteen and leave the house."

"Every teenagers wish"

"I guess so."

"Where do you work at?"

"Starbucks. It's the only place that would calm me down."

"That's great! You should be excited."

"Not really, the co-workers are racist to the customers behind their back."

"How bad are they?"

"I mean they just talk about a Mexican person rudely when they come in. A Muslim as a terrorist that when I call their name they duck. They ignore black people because they think white is better. But honestly, the color white is plain like the wall."

"That's a bad environment."

"I guess. But I'll just work and help the customer. I'll just ignore them."

"Just be careful."

"Yeah, I will. Oh, I should tell you this before I forget."


"I might be busy for a while. If you text or call I might not answer sometimes."

"Is everything alright though?"

"Yeah, finals are coming back. So I have to study."

"Oh right, well me too. So I'll talk to you soon? I think we should meet soon. You know. After finals?"

"Yeah, I don't mind."
"We could meet up at the McDonald's Walmart?"

"Ha. Yeah for sure! Have a good day!"

"You too!"

- hang up -

"Someone just get me out of this hell!"

"I hope to see her soon!"

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