Chapter Twenty Nine - Dreamy Wilderness (Remasterd and complete!)

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As dreams went, this one was a doozy.  Mo Guan Shan seriously worried about the dark recesses of his brain sometimes, but he wanted to see where this went.  He prised his eyes open and cursed when moisture ran into his left eye.  Fuck!  That stung like a bitch when he tried to scrub at the wetness there.  Man his head was spinning, looking down he took in the blood on his hands with disbelief.  Finally glancing at his surroundings, Mo freaked out a little.

"Fuck!  Ahh get it off me....!"  The redhead tugged at the belt buckle which dug into his stomach and hips, a seat belt?  He was fucking hanging upside down?!  Mo tugged and tugged and tugged until it finally clicked open.

"Aaaaaa!"  He hit the floor with a loud thud, winded by the sudden impact. wasn't the floor, it was the fucking ceiling of a small plane.  Staggering to his feet the redhead coughed and made his way out of the burning fuselage, through the debris to the dark cool forest.

Mo looked down and took in the thin grey ripped jeans, a now blood soaked orange T-shirt and black Converse high-tops.  Not suitable cold weather gear at all.  Once the creaking and groaning had quietened down, he was struck by the silence of his surroundings, he must be in the middle of nowhere.  How far away was he away from Beijing?

"HEEEELLLLLOOOOOO!  HHEEEELLLLLLOOOO?  IS THERE ANYBODY THERE?!"  The redhead didn't relish returning to the plane wreckage to check for survivors, but looking at the mangled mess Mo figured he got off lightly.  Now he had to attempt to find help, not that he had a clue how to survive in the wild.

Just as the redhead started limping back towards the trashed plane carcass, it exploded into a huge ball of fire, making him stumble back a few places and fall into the snow on his ass.

"Urgh, fuck my life I hate the outdoors."  Mo got to his feet with a groan, wrapping his arms around himself in an attempt to keep warm and set off in a direction....he didn't know which direction, but it was better than sitting in the snow freezing his ass off. 

The redhead walked and walked in the freezing cold, through thick corpses of trees.

"IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE?!!"  He had been shouting for about half an hour now, but the forest was still annoying quiet.  What did he expect someone to just jump out and say "Hey I'm here to save you."?

Before he had a chance to start up with his fruitless calls for help, something dark darted out of the trees in front of him, knocking him to the forest floor.  A huge bulk weighed him down, pressing him into the snow.  Mo froze when cold metal pressed against his forehead, he heard a click that he'd only heard in movies.  Was that a fucking gun?

"Who do you work for?"  A low sexy voice came out of the dark.

"Thank fuck, the plane crashed, it blew up.  Do you have a phone?"  Mo figured this guy was a bit mental, who has a gun in the middle of a forest?  The heat radiating from the man on top of him felt awesome though, hmm.

"Who sent you?"  The gun jab harder into his forehead.

"Could you ease up with that thing..."  The redhead pushed ineffectively at the terrifying weapon shoved in his face.

"Get up."  The man stood keeping his gun trained on Mo.  Shit why did he have to move?  The man's body heat had temporarily chased away the cold leeching into his bones.  Groaning the redhead hauled himself to his feet with difficulty.

Moonlight shone through the trees and Mo Guan Shan exhaled at the sight.  The man was.......stunning, Mo could tell from the shape of his frame that the dude was built, black clothing covered him from head to toe.  He was dressed in rugged looking boots, thick trousers and a fancy black coat which looked so thin, but he bet it was one of those ones which was suitable for climbing Mount Everest.  The gun wielding maniac was super fine, his face was masculine poetry.

Adversity is a Gift (19 days fan fiction) He Tian x Red HeadWhere stories live. Discover now