Chapter Twenty Five - Fucked Up Family Reunion

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Long tense minutes passed by while the nurse monitored the machines surrounding He Tian. 

The men in the room waited impatiently for the woman to finished her observations.  He Cheng still sat close to his unconscious brother, his eyes flicked from the heart monitors to the artificial rise and fall of He Tian's chest.  Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.  The relentless task was the only thing keeping him from melting down and smashing a wall or a window.  Or his father's face.  There was no outlet for the rage he felt, it churned beneath the surface of his skin, waiting for any change to burst free.

Fifteen minutes later the nurse left the room, before she left she warned them to be quiet so her patient could rest.

The loud scrape of a chair being dragged across the floor made Cheng flinch, his already frayed nerves screamed at the sound.  Looking across his bloodied and broken brother, he saw that his father had situated himself on the opposite side of the bed, staring pensively at his injured younger son.

"Get out."  Mr He's voice made Cheng's head snap up.  What?  No way.

Following his father's stare he realised that these two terse words were all for Qiu's benefit.  He Cheng's eyes flew to Qiu.  No, he didn't want him to leave, why was his dad being a shit and asking him to leave?

"Sir."  Qiu nodded and bowed his head respectfully.  As he turned to leave, Cheng could tell Qiu didn't want to leave either.  Fuck.  The officer paused briefly at the sliding door, his head tilted to the side almost like he wanted to looked at Cheng one last time, but he stopped and walked out, closing the door behind him.

All that remained in that intensive care hospital bay were the men of the proud He family.  Years of tradition, violence and hatred all together in one place for the first time in years.  What a happy occasion.  He Cheng wished his little brother was awake to see this, he would probably walk out the door and never come back, it was seriously fucking tempting.  Being in a coma sounded like the lesser of the two evils.

"No.". His dad shook his head.

"What the fuck do you mean no?  You heard me old man, or are you getting hard of hearing?"  He Cheng knew that his father always demanded respect and deference from his sons.  Well his respect had fucked off out the door with Qiu.

"No.". This was said with more aggression.

"Aah!  You're as clueless as I was, what a family we are.  Bastard!"  He Cheng didn't know if it was his father or his uncle who he was calling a bastard.  Both.

"What proof do you have that your Uncle did this?"  His father's voice was stern, he leaned forward in his chair.  "You better not be fucking about son, your accusations are serious.  If what you say is true then it will work in my favour, further the He family cause."  Wow such a loving, caring bastard.

Cheng just gaped at his dad, why was he even surprised anymore?  His youngest son was lying there and all he was thinking about was how he could manipulate the situation in his favour.

"I have proof, wanna see?  What I am going to show you was filmed by that silver haired kid, he started recording after Uncle had already beaten your kid with a belt." Cheng knew he probably should warn his father that what he was about to watch was a little more than a mere beating.  Oh well....

Taking his phone out of his trouser pocket, Cheng dragged his chair around to his father's side and sat next to his sire.  He wanted an up close and personal look at his dad's face.  Cheng wanted to see something on his dad's face, any fucking thing, anything.  Some emotion that he was remotely effected by the sight of his son being abused.  Tapping on his screen a few times, he handed it over and sat back to watch the drama unfold.

Cheng listened as the audio filled the room, the sounds already made cold sweat sheen on his skin.  He couldn't bear to look at the screen.

"You made me this way, so you can fucking suck it."  Cheng saw a deep frown crease his father's brow, and he just knew that Mr He was watching his brother's cock press incessantly at He Tian's mouth.

Was his father proud of how Tian turned his head away in disgust?  Cheng's stomach revolted, he felt queasy as fuck.

"Then I have no use for you."  His Uncle's voice made his veins burn with utter hatred.  Finally dragging his eyes back to his dad, he noticed that the phone was trembling in a tight grip.

Cheng could then hear the gut wrenching sounds of his brother being kicked almost to death.  The kicks meeting already abused flesh made a wet dull 'thunk' every time.

"No.". Mr He sounded disgusted.  "No, what are you doing....?"  Mr He leaned closer to the screen as if what he was watching was beyond belief.  Cheng saw his father's face change as the sound of Mr Jian, the Dragon Head of Beijing and Hong Kong dropping to his knees and noisily jerking off, his moans filling the room. 

He Cheng was going to be sick.  Then that bastard came on his nephew's face and Cheng heard She Li's voice whisper "Disgusting." from the speaker of his phone.

"Why?  Why did you do that to my son, you beast, you cunt, oh fuck."  Mr Cheng leapt up and snatched one of those paper bowls lying on one of the cabinets and was violently sick.  Cheng's stomach churned in sympathy.

"My boy, fuck, my son...". His father staggered over to the bed and reached out a trembling hand, until his fingers traced the bandages on He Tian's forehead.  It was probably the most tender thing his father had ever done to his youngest son.

"Do you believe me now?"  Cheng stood and took his phone back from his father's lax fingers, shoving the offending thing back into his pocket.

"I believe you."  Mr He rinsed his mouth out in a sink across the room, then wiped his lips with a paper towel.

"Say something!"  He Cheng whispered viscously at his unfeeling father across the room.

"He dies, are we in agreement?"  Mr He walked over to his eldest son and lifted a broad hand to Cheng's shoulder, clasping is warmly.  The palm squeezed once, before dropping back to his dad's side.  Was his father trying to comfort him?

"Yes."  Now that Qiu wasn't here to censor his decision making, He Cheng was so on board to murder his evil fucking Uncle, in fact the thought made him smile.  "I'm in."

"Good."  Mr He glanced lingeringly over at He Tian.  Cheng couldn't figure out the emotions there.  "Take care of him, I will be back.  I'm going to make an important phone call."  Mr He reluctantly walked out of the door.

Qiu came back inside the room and he could see a strange look on He Cheng's face.

"What happened Cheng?"  Ever the nosey policeman.

"Nothing."  He Cheng took up his position next to his injured brother, and went back to watching the heart monitor and Tian's rising and falling chest.

"Nothing?  What the fuck Cheng....?". Qiu wanted to push, but He Cheng looked fragile, like he was going to break apart at the slightest touch and not into noisy tears, he looked thin, like he was going to smash every single piece of equipment surrounding his brother.

"Nothing.  Get out Qiu, this room is only for family."  Cheng didn't even look at him.

Qiu left and went back to his silent vigil at the entrance to He Tian's ICU room, pretending not to be fucking bothered by He Cheng's blunt words.  This wasn't about his feelings, this was about his partner and how Cheng was going through this shitty, horrific experience.  All he could do was stand guard and try to keep his lover and his brother safe.



How do you like He Tian's father so far?  I want to hug Qiu so badly and Cheng, aaaah!

Hang in there everyone!  These characters belong to Old Xian.



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