Chapter Sixteen - Fury, Again?

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He Tian sat outside the 7-Eleven and dragged at his first cigarette in months, he didn't care because the dulling buzz from the nicotine high was worth it. Momo asked him to quit because he thought it was going to kill him. Who needed to quit smoking when your boyfriend was going to give you a stress related fucking brain aneurysm or a heart attack? Between Mo Guan Shan and cigarettes, Momo won hands down. Fucking prick!

Tian was so fuck mad, he didn't know what to do. His hands were quivering with rage, he wanted to shake his stupid boyfriend, he wanted to punch some sense into him, he would happily knock him the fuck out again if it would make Shan's brain think clearly again! He Tian looked down at the sidewalk and shook his head at Mo's foolishness.

Cursing he took his phone out of his pocket, and called his Boss. The line rang for a while, then it connected.

"Nephew, you ran off before giving me a report." His Uncle's voice made his hackles stand up on end.

"They're dead." He Tian was through fucking about, he took a big lung full of smoke and exhaled slowly.

"......" There was silence on the line for once.

"You're not surprised, I'm sure." He Tian scrubbed out his finished cigarette against the brick wall of an alley he'd ducked into for privacy. Lighting another, he puffed angrily, may as well enjoy the fucking things while he could.

"I wasn't the one who arranged it." His Uncle's voice thick was with disbelief, was his Boss just taking the piss, messing with his head as usual?

"Bullshit!" The word burst out of his mouth at full volume.

"What did you say.....?" His Boss's voice was furious down the line, He Tian was pleased he wasn't in his Uncle's office, because he probably would have been punched across the room or pinned to the floor by an expensive dress shoe.

"You did this, didn't you?" He Tian was sick of jumping every time his Uncle said how high.

"It was not done by my hand! The pleasure of their deaths should have been yours to carry out and mine to sit back and enjoy." His Uncle really did want him to ramp up to killing a human being?

"So your next request would have been for me to murder them? No fucking way." He Tian was clearly high on nicotine, although his courage may be because the man who had raised him was thankfully several blocks away.

"You answer to me, you are a fucking triad, murder is nothing! You're spineless, only good for cracking heads, you'll go nowhere in this organisation." His Uncle's tone was acidic, hatred peppered every word.

Tian snorted.

"I wouldn't have done it, not even if you beat me." Standing up to his Uncle for the first time, was like a drug he wanted to enjoy again.

"Nephew, you know the results of my wrath, you really want to temp me? I can break more than your nose.... maybe crack more ribs, break your other arm? Your father foolishly gave you to me, he didn't want you. I took you in, you ungrateful shit, you are mine to do with as I see fit." Mr Jian's gravely voice hissed down the line and it made He Tian falter a little.

"So you're saying that you would have beaten me until I agreed to kill those boys?" He Tian needed clarification.

"You sound surprised? You're my solider, you obey only me. Rethink what you're doing, do you want to try fucking say that again to your Dragon Head?" The fury in his Uncle's tone took him instantly back to when he was thirteen years old, small and useless against the beatings inflicted on him. He bowed his head in defeat.

Adversity is a Gift (19 days fan fiction) He Tian x Red HeadDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora