Chapter Six - Recruitment

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Qiu stood at attention in front of his superior, which felt strange in his undercover 'uniform' of slate grey trousers and a tight black T-shirt.  His holster and weapon were left safely at home in his gun safe, you can never be too careful with a teenager living in the same house as you.  Accidents tragically did happen to children who fooled around with weapons, although He Tian was infinitely better trained than your average teenager, he could handle many weapons and was highly proficient in martial arts.  Still better to be cautious.

    "Sir, you have to move the operation forward."  Qiu tried to remain calm, but it felt like he was repeating himself over and over and over.  His concern for He Tian's safety was growing.  Qiu was, at the end of the day, a police office sworn to protect people from evil shits like Mr Jian and he was failing.

    "Detective Sergeant Qiu you know we need more before we can conclude your undercover operation.  We are so close, just a few more legalities to be put into place.  There is still an issue with the warrants, the previous judge miraculously went missing right before the warrants were signed to search all businesses and Mr Jian's Bejing residence.  We have hit so may obstacles with dirty police officers and officials, it has slowed progress down considerably."  His Inspector looked harassed, they had been 'talking' for half an hour now.

    "Sir I know in your heart you're a good man, you have to consider the life of this boy!  I fear his Uncle will either ramp up his sexual abuse or another assault will end in his murder."  Qiu had told He Cheng to go shower when he got back from escorting He Tian to prison.  Once Cheng had told him about him planting the device on his brother, he knew he had to listen to that recording immediately.  Making sure Cheng was busy, he slipped out of the house, drove to the precinct he used as his base and ran to a room where he could listen to the recording alone.

    The first half of the audio was interesting.  Why had someone with He Tian's name attended the prison and spoken with the prisoners first?  It was fucking suspicious. 

    Cheng and He Tian threatening the guard and his family was like water off a ducks back.  Qiu had learned to be indifferent when it came to the crimes which occurred around him.  As his inspector told him in the beginning 'you will see so much that will go against everything you trained for.  You will witness horrible crimes and be able to do nothing about them.  You have to stay focused on the bigger fish, the bigger crimes.  If we get him, all of the injustice you witnessed will be vindicated.'

    Had that made him cold?  Perhaps.

    The second half of the recording was far more disturbing, it was incredibly hard listening to the desperate gasps of breath, the struggle for life as He Tian was choked.  Mr Jian's voice sounded like what he was doing to his nephew was arousing him, disgusting fuck.  "Why do you always make me do this Tian?  You make me so fucking furious all the time, sometimes I want to just grab this throat, squeeze and keep squeezing until your face purples as you gasp futilely for air.  Then you would be dead, what a sight it would be."  Qiu put his head in his hands as he listened, he had managed to block out all of the bad shit around him for years, but this kid was becoming someone he couldn't ignore.

    "Sir, listen to this."  Qiu played the recording all the way through and waited for his Inspector to speak.

    "Fuck, he's a pawn in this whole operation, why are you so concerned by it?"  His superior looked at him like he had brought him some shitty piece of intel that was beneath his consideration.

    "What?!"  Qiu shouted at his superior disrespectfully.

    "You know he's just another triad, why is this different from any of the other criminals who've had violence doled out on them by the Dragon Head?"  His Inspector got up and stood in front of him.

Adversity is a Gift (19 days fan fiction) He Tian x Red HeadWhere stories live. Discover now