Chapter Seventeen - When the Devil Comes Calling

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As he sat in the taxi which depressingly got closer and closer to his apartment, He Tian pulled his brother's coat closer around him and swore quietly.  Why did he ever think his car crash of a life was ever going to improve?  Why had he got his hopes up that He Cheng could save him? That he could trust Mo with his dangerous lifestyle?  That either of them could keep him from his Uncle's wrath?  It was all bullshit.  It was time he went back home. Tian would go to his Uncle's office tomorrow morning to take the beating which he had coming to him. So fucking be it.

    The only one he could rely on was himself.

    When he paid his fare and got out, the bitter wind caught the coat, blowing it open.  So cold, autumn was fully established, shoving summer firmly out of the way.  He Tian strode over to his building for the second time today, the last time he was here he was packing a bag so he could stay away from this place.  Now he was standing at the reception without his bag, planning to head back up to the one place he never wanted to spend the night in again.

        After giving the dude working the desk a convincing story about having his bag stolen, bemoaning the lost of his keycard etc, the accommodating man handed him a new key. Then He Tian was off to the lift and heading back up to his floor.  When the lift doors rumbled open he cursed when he spotted someone hanging around the entrance to his apartment.  Who could it be?  Did his Uncle change his mind about not seeing his hateful face tonight?

    "What are you doing here?"  He Tian kept his voice neutral as he opened the door and stood blocking the entrance to his place. "If you've got news about those boys then forget it, they're already taken care of."

"So efficient, the black dog strikes again." She Li got out a cigarette and lit it, exhaling with a huge cloud which set He Tian off straight away. The nicotine cravings were back with a vengeance.

    "Your stuff was left behind at the office."  Fucking She Li was leaning against the wall by his door, at his feet was a pile of familiar things.

    "So why the fuck are you, of all people, dropping them off?  Out the good of your heart?"  He Tian snorted at the thought of the silver haired boy doing anything for him without some sort of return. Bending down he scooped up his shit and placed it inside his entrance way.

    "Everyone was too busy getting shit faced after the initiation and entertainment, no one wanted the task of running around dropping stuff off for the Boss's 'favourite'.  Your Uncle was worried you wouldn't get into your flat. He was going to bring it himself, but changed his mind and I guess he sent me instead. Nice building, I live in something similar myself in Hong Kong."  She Li glanced at the things piled at Tian's feet. 

    "You of all people touching my stuff it turns my stomach. No offence brother."  That was a fucking understatement.  Why was She Li hanging about the Beijing office anyway?

    "None taken. I collected Guan Shan's stuff too." She Li stood there with his cigarette dangling from his long fingers, and tilted his head as if he was waiting for He Tian's reaction.

It took an eternity to comprehend what the silver haired boy said, it was like his brain was mired in goo, slowing his thought process.

    "How the fuck do you know Mo was even there?!" He Tian yanked She Li into his apartment by the lapel of black winter jacket and slammed the door shut so there were no witnesses to his actions.

"Hey watch my coat, it's expensive." She Li prised Tian's hand off and started to wander around the open living area. When he got his eyes on the huge windows, he made a beeline for them. Standing where he and Momo had spent many an hour just taking in the Beijing skyline. "Nice view."

    Yes the view would be forever ruined by the memory of shitty She Li standing there in Mo's place.

"Hey! Tell me how Mo ended up there in the first place?" Tian stepped closer to the other boy, he wanted to get him by the throat and slam him into the full length windows.

    "Because I took him." She Li looked over his shoulder, a strange smile on his face. Tricky fucker, he was definitely up to something.

    "Why take some green civilian to a place like that, he could have been killed, instead I had to knock him out, fucking idiot, shithead." He Tian's cursed loudly, his voice was laced with annoyance that Mo had been stupid enough to go with this asshole.

    "Friend?" She Li laughed derisively and shook his head. "Don't pretend he's not more to you He Tian we saw the way you looked at him at school, I saw him looking at you tonight. Mo wanted to go, I just made it happen, he is my friend too after all." She Li walked over to where He Tian stood and tapped him on the chest with a knuckle.

    "If you believe that you're fucking delusional." He Tian was having an internal panic attack. If this clueless fuck could pick up on the connection between them, what about his Uncle? Who never missed anything, like in the entire time he had been under his Uncle's brutal fist he had never ever gotten away with anything. His Uncle was sharp as a machete blade.

    Bastard! Mo had fucked up, he had screwed them both, what the hell was he going to do? If She Li hadn't been there he would have stood there white, ashen and shaking. Sweat damped his shirt, he would have fallen to his knees, and enjoyed a satisfactory bought of hyperventilating. But he had to hold it together because that shit was standing there watching every single twitch and facial expression, it was like being observed by a hyena.

    Why was She Li here, now? It was making He Tian crazy, his head ached thinking about it so much.

    "Want me to take Mo's stuff over to his house..? I think I can still remember how to get there. His mom was always so sweet and clueless, wonder what she will make of her son going to a triad headquarters?" She Li nodded towards the pile by the door and smirked like he knew how much he was winding He Tian up.

    "No, fuck off now, I will take them." He Tian stalked to the door and held it open.

    "Rude. I might hang around Beijing to watch what happens, watching you two again makes me nostalgic." She Li strolled over to the door and walked out, heading towards the lift door.

    "Hysterical." He Tian started to close the door to his apartment, but the silver haired menace's voice halted its closure.

    "I can see why you like him, there is goodness in him, I can't put my finger on it. Like I can be good too by association. Also his lips are as soft as they look." She Li's parting comment sent He Tian's blood pressure through the roof. When the lift doors shut he gave into his temper and slammed inside his apartment, smashing his fist four times into the kitchen wall until his knuckles bled.

    What the actual fuck had Mo been doing when his back was turned?
I'm so sorry this took a lot longer than I thought to finish, urgh I'm still not happy with it.

I also decided to do a 7 day tumblr writing challenge, so if you like my stories, check them out too!




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