"MAMA! You can't give a baby whiskey." Zara exclaimed. "Sure I can. The alcohol numbs the pain in her gums and beside I did it with you all the time." Lynn says.

"So what time does the dinner party start." She asks. "Umm, 8" Zara answers. "Well you have your baby now, so get out." Lynn says pushing us to the door. "Mama how you gon do yo grand baby like that." Zara says. "Now you know I love my grand baby but I got plans." She says. "Is my uncle Sebastian here?"I asked.

If I was this eager kick someone out of the house, someone else must be coming or already here. And on cue my uncle comes walking downstairs. "Is Baby Daenerys still crying?" He asks holding some soothing medication. And he is shirtless.

"Nephew, I didn't hear you come in." He says. "I'm sure you didn't." Zara says under her breath. "Yeah we just came to pick up the baby." I tell him. He come over to me and pull me into a tight hug.

Damn he is sweaty. I try not to think about why or how he is sweaty. "Happy birthday mi hijo." He says hitting my shoulder. "Thanks uncle."

"I have a gift for you but you have to wait till the dinner." He tells me. Now I don't wanna sound spoil or anything but Sebastian always gives the best gift. When I turned 13 he sent in a custom made Lamborghini. Of course my mom wouldn't let me drive but that was the coolest gift ever. I still have that car and it still have that new car smell.

"Thanks uncle. Well we should be heading out." I say pulling Zara along with me. When we was fully out the door Zara starts to giggle. "What's so funny?" I ask

"They finna get nasty." She laughed. I groaned. "I don't wanna hear about my uncle and your mom sex life." Zara laughed even louder at my comment.

Zara put Dany in her car seat in my car and put in her pacifier. "I'm finna go pick up the cake. I'll met you at the house." She says. "Okay babe" I say and peck her lips. I watched her walk to her car.

I hate watching her go but love to watch her leave. All the baby weight went straight into her ass. Zara got into her car and drove off. "Ok mi hija it just you and me for a few hours. What do you wanna do?" I say to her and in response her starts kicking her cute cubby legs. I plant a kiss on her forehead and hopped in the car and drove off.
"puta de mierda" I yelled in the microphone as the zombies devour my avatar . "Come on come on. Donte are you serious right now why aren't you covering my left flank." I asked Donte. "Nigga, I had the damn Russian zombies on my ass I couldn't get to you." He yelled back.

This is one of the reason why I don't play COD with Donte. He is never there when I need him. When Dany and I came back we ate and we both pooped and now we're playing video games. Well, I'm playing and she's sitting in my lap sucking on her fingers. "Are you sure Jordyn okay with you going to a strip club?" I asked him while shooting zombies. "Yeah but as long as I don't pay or touch them." He tells me. "Fuck man give me aid I've been bit." He yells. I move over to him and give him some aid. "Jordyn been kinda sad and mad lately." He says.


"Well, remember last week when my family had this retreat/ family reunion."

"Yeah" Ten more zombies dead. Fucking goat.

"Well I invited Jordyn to meet the rest of my family."

"That's great. Right?"

"Yeah I thought it was. It started great but then her and my mama got in to it by dinner time. And I kinda took my moms side." He explained. I paused the game and place Dany on the giant baby pillow Zara keeps on our bed. "What a minute you took your mom side over your girlfriend side." I repeated.

The Story Of UsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon