8.1|| Cage Uncaged

Start from the beginning

"So, um... What are our plans for the day?"

"Have fun until tonight when we'll go to the concert. Joey said he booked the band solid every day this week." Kay clapped her hands together. "It's going to be awesome."

Sam nodded, though he wasn't exactly sure about that. But a part of him, the one that wasn't roadkill under a rock, was curious to see Kyle perform. Sam had heard him sing and knew how good he was, but doing it with full instrumental had to be different.

Kay's idea of fun wasn't exactly that, but it was enough to keep him busy. Max came home for lunch and then showed Sam around the stables and even somehow managed to convince him to climb on a horse. The focus it took to not become real roadkill was enough to draw his mind off anything else. By the time they were supposed to leave, he'd completely lost track of time. For once, it had moved fast instead of unnaturally slow.

Riding in the Ferrar with Kay driving was also an adventure. They stopped to pick up Kay's friend Kelly from her house, and the three of them reached the club where the band would be performing just as the sun was starting to set. A huge line had already formed outside.

"What's the line for?" Sam asked as they got out of the car and headed for the back entrance.

Kelly laughed for some reason. "You have no idea how big they were around here. And the fact that new material was announced made their comeback even more anticipated."

Sam just shrugged because Kelly was right. He had no idea how big Kyle's band had ever been because he was a terrible brother and never cared enough to ask. Yes, Kyle was in a band, but it was a high school band that practiced in the garage. Or so he'd thought.

The stage was fit to accommodate a real, famous band, which he guessed Uncaged was. Kay led him in front of the stage and Kelly went to the bar to get them drinks.

"You know," Kay said casually, though her eyes had a watery quality, "this is where I saw Kyle for the first time."

"Really?" He glanced around, but it looked like any normal venue obviously meant for shows, dancing and drinking.

"Yeah." She grinned. "He was up there and I was down here."

"Are you ready to party?" Kelly called out handing drinks in red plastic cups to both Sam and Kay.

The place had filled up and Sam and the girls had to squeeze together as everyone tried to get as close to the stage as possible. Sam wasn't ready to party and he sure as hell wasn't ready to be out in a crowd that buzzed with excitement, so he downed his drink in one go. He wasn't even sure what it was, but knew it had alcohol in it and he wished it was the knock-you-ofd-your-feet kind. Before he could ask, every light in the place turned off.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Joey's voice called into the darkness. "Give it up for... Uncaged!"

Everyone started screaming, including Kay and Kelly, and Sam had to cover his ears to avoid going deaf.

"Sonia Martinez, drums!" Joey called.

A light turned on and shone on a girl with short chestnut hair and earlobes covered in rings. She wore a bride's veil, even if the rest of her outfit was a normal t-shirt and probably jeans.

"Dustin Berk, keyboard!"

Another light shone over a blond guy with a round, boyish face who also had a bride's veil on his head, making him the obvious groom. The crowd laughed with good humor.

"Vincent Prat, rhythm guitar!"

The light shone on a tall, thin guy with spiky black hair who waved at the crowd and fortunately had no veil on.

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