Chapter 3

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3 months later...

"Honey always remember to take your meds and stay healthy. Remember no parties or drinkings. I did not raise my daughter like that." my mom warned me the 100th time.

Jeez am I that rebellious? I am one of the most disciplined student in my school.

"Yesssss mother. I can even record what you are saying and promise to replay that everyday if it makes you feel better." I smiled at her sarcastically.

"Just because you are taller than me, that does not mean I can't give you a good beat up for being sarcastic towards me. I am your mom! I have every rights to be worried. My daughter is going to study far away in Washington while I'm still here in Texas. I cant meet my baby girl whenever I want to-"

"Oh honey, Washington is like 3 hours drive away. You can always drive there and meet her. No need to get all emotional now. Let her have her fun times Carla. She deserves it." My dad interrupted my mom.

"Sam go have fun but always remember your limits." Daddy said.

"Yes daddy. Thank you." I smiled at him.

"Now its just gonna be the both of us Randy. Our girls are all grown up and they are starting to leave us one by one." Her eyes watered. Again!

"Mom, I'm never gonna leave you. I'm just going to study. I'm gonna miss you too you know." I hugged her tightly.

"Aww baby girl. Go and have your adventure. Live the life you deserve." She kissed my forehead.

'Beep beep'

"Logan's here." my dad said.

Logan has already joined in his college. I wish it was WSU but unfortunately not. He's going to Texas University. I really wanted him to join me there but TU was  providing him with full-scholarship. I cant blame him but it still sucks.

I got my scholarship at WSU. So that's where I was heading. This was going to be my first time leaving my house and staying somewhere else. Sharon was living with her boyfriend in Nashville, Tennessee. She really wanted to come but unfortunaltely she had loads of office work and her boss wouldn't want to give a day off for her. Bad Boss!

Thanks to Logan. He offered us a ride to WSU. I am gonna miss him.

"Hey baby, you ready?" Logan asked me.

"I dont think so." I sighed.

"Why not? This was all you wanted. Go to a prestigious university and WSU is a really prestigious and a great university." He said, furrowing his eyebrow and tilting his head like a cute puppy.

"I know. I mean, I am kinda excited but at the same time It's like a reminder that I am growing up and I'm going into the real world. I'm scared. What if I mess up?" I said. Gosh! Real world is scary. I am NOT ready for this yet.

"Hey, did you forget your valedictorian speech? You are the one who said we have to follow our path with a brave face and face our challenges or something like that." He said.

"You ready kiddos?" my dad asked.

"Yes, Mr.Evans. Samantha and I were just having a little talk.We will be out in a second." He said.

I just smiled at my dad.

Logan kissed my forehead and said "Let's go."


Next chapter is at College! I know Zach is not in the picture yet. I want you guys to first know about the relationship between Logan and Samantha first. Pretty sweet right. You guys like him right. I gotta agree. He is a total keeper. I hope now you guys know what I meant when I said "Hope you enjoy the roller-coaster ride" ? Coz believe me. I got all planed out till the end. It is gonna be one hell of a ride. Please just bare with me :) Vote and Comment guys. That means a lot to me. Comment what you guys think about this story so far. Is this story interesting? boring? It's alright. I accept critics as much as I accept compliments so no problemo. And btw this story is completely fictional and completely MINE. I did not copy it from anyone or anywhere :) thanks.


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