Chapter 2

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Graduation Day...

"Honey you are going to do just fine" My mom said as she straightened my graduation attire. We went to 10 different stores to find this right dress.

I am the valedictorian for class 2014 in my school this year. I'm really proud of myself but at the same time I hope that the Earth would just swallow everyone else while I'm giving the speech that I worked day and night off. I hope that I wont mess my speech up. Logan had been a great help giving me advice and comments on my speech. He infact helped me to edit my speech which I really am thankful for.

"Mom I think I look pretty decent now. I dont want to over dress" I said as I adjusted my dress once again. I looked really good in my navy bluess dress that reached my knee. My hair was curled to perfection thanks to my big sister Sharon. I can always count on her for my hair and make ups but since it was my graduation day, my mom wants to be the one incharge and I gave her the satisfaction by allowing her although I personally prefered my sister.

"Oh honey, dont be silly you have to look perfect. Not that you are not perfect but- oh you know what I mean." she said giving a dramatic sigh.

"Yes mom, I know exactly what you mean." I laughed. She's such a loving mom. A little protective? Yes! But I love her to bits.

"Oh you shushh. Hurry up dear we gotta leave. Dad and Sharon are all ready. Just gotta wait for the star of the day. My daughter, a valedictorian.  Only yesterday I feel like I sent you to kindergarten but look at you now. So pretty and all grown up" Her eyes started to  water and I took that as my cue to hug her and try myself not to cry.

"You guys! Lets just cry at the graduation ceremony yeah? We are running out of time and let's keep our make up on our face and not on our tissue." My sister said as she joined in our little group hug.


"I would like to invite this years valedictiorian of class 2014, Miss Evans"

  The whole auditorium were loud with claps and I saw my family cheering and my sister even whistled. I saw Logan clapping proudly for his girlfriend. My hand were all sweaty and I was almost shaking. With all my strength, I stood up and I walked towards the stage. I thanked my school principle and he just nod and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled at the audience and pretended that the Earth has  just swallowed everyone in the auditorium and that It's only me. I inhaled a deep breath and started I my speech.

"A very good morning to our honourable principle, teachers, parents, guardians,relatives and fellow friends. I would like to thank everyone for giving me this opportunity to give a speech on this very important day.

We stand here today on the precipice of the future. It's not a distant reality anymore. It begins here. It begins today.

We began high school as children, but now we're leaving here as adults. We've completed a basic education we are going to proceed ourselves into our futures. Some of us will go on to college, others will go straight into the work force, but each of us will travel our own path.Our own journey.

No matter where we go or what we do, there are challenges ahead of us. What I'm asking from each of you, and from myself, is to meet those challenges straight on with your head held high and your heart wide open. It's not enough to simply try to get by in life. That doesn't move the world forward. You must try to excel in everything you do; strive for excellence in every task, large or small. Take challenges face them.

Although it may not be easy to see, every accomplishment you achieve is added to the world's accomplishments. Your individual successes benefit society as a whole because when you succeed, you lighten the burden on your fellow man. When you succeed, you are in a position to give rather than take.

I wish all the very best to my fellow friends and let's make history.

Thank you."

  The whole crowd erupted in a thunderous cheers and claps. My heart was beating frantically. I saw my mom crying into my dad's shoulder while my das just smiled at me. I turned and I saw Logan smiling proudly at me. I made it. Without stuttering or passing out.

This is it. The end of high school.

Next step, college.


 Vote and comment my dear lovely readers.I really appreciate that. What do you think about this story so far? I would LOVE LOVE LOVEE to hear your opinion guys. Enjoy your day :)




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