Agonisingly beautiful

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Their smiles cover up the lie in their eye's,
She's smiling her face caked, but her body aches.
Her hands shake and her arms mutilate.
The darkness awakens
She goes home and locks her door, she scrambles around her bedroom floor looking for anything to relieve herself.
For now she does believe.
She hears their word, on the outside she brave but on the inside she's digging her own grave.
She's gasping reaching up towards the stars for a single breath. She's reaching out but she's too far away.
Her bodies given up she has to rest.
She used to walk down the old hall not knowing that one day she'll fall.
She used to take pictures of her life not knowing one day she'll take her own.
She fell asleep that night her stomach full of regret but her mind was on a high as her broken body lies.
Still, no movement.
That day the sun didn't shine as she fell from the broken vines.
The sky was grey and she was prey to the agonisingly beautiful abyss.
She tried to understand but she'd slipped through our hands.
And now she lays there her face cold. I'm trying to get ahold but she keeps on letting go.
We have to comprehend that this is the end.

Agonisingly beautifulWhere stories live. Discover now