Chapter 18 - Tummy Aches

Start from the beginning

''Jason, I'm in bed. You can come'' you said weakly. You invide him to sit on the side.

~(y/n) sick ?~

''Yes,sweetie, I'm sick today...'' he looks at you with concern,seeing your arms wraped around your waist.


''Yeah...stomach could say that.''

~Mommy. Have. Tummy.Aches. Too!~

''Of course she did...otherwise she wouldn't be able to make you!'' you said squeezing his knee with one hand. Jason didn't understand. You sit up on the bed.

''What you call ''tummy aches'' is called a ''period''. It means that a girl is able to make babies.

~You. Have. Baby ?~ Jason asked. You would have jumped but were to weak to react.

''No! I need the ''woohoo'' to do that,remember ? That's exactly the opposite; what happens when there is no baby.Sometimes it can be painful,like today and sometimes not so painful. It lasts a few days and then goes away till next month. That is basically all you need to know.'' Right after that you felt a huge stabbing pain which made you hiss in pain. Pills did nothing at all.

At that, Jason stands up and heads down stairs. You hear him doing something in the kitchen but don't bother to ask what he was doing. You felt sleepy but not very hungry.After what seemed like a small unexpected nap,he comes to your room with a tray, that had a big bowl of canned soup for you to eat.

''Did you make this for me ?'' you ask the obvious question

~Mommy.Helped.~ he answers. 

''Thank you both,then...'' you say as you take a spoonful of it.

It actually tasted very good,just had a bit too much salt but perfect none the less. Jason went into the trouble of cooking himself,with the guidance of his mother. Besides, he never said he was unable, he just lacked the means really. Making an extra effort to finally get around the things you had to do, you decide to fill the tub and wash Cookie before the weather got too cold.

You lock the bathroom door with the three of yiu inside and get started. Thankfully, Cookie liked baths and just sat in the tub calmly while you put some doggy shampoo in both your and Jason's hands.

''I'll carefuly do his head while you do the rest.'' 

Cookie is in heaven right now,being washes and scratched by his -now- two favorite humans. You rinse him off and get the towel. As he gets out of the tub he needs to shake it off, so you cover yourselves with the towel last minute. The bathroom was now a mess. That smelled like wet dog. It had to wait. Keeping your promise, you sat down and watched the movie.

''Jason...what do you think of marriage ?'' you bring up the subject from watching Debbie,the gold  digger, seducing Fester Addams and marrying him only for his money. Jason doesn't really know how to answer.

''Let me help you. I mean marriage in general. Do you believe that a relatioship between to people needs to be made such a fuss -like the movie- or something humble ? I mean if they love each other,it's gonna last marriage or not.Don't you think ?''

~Love ?~

''Yes,love. Two people that are in love usually get married,but I don't think that's needed.''


''Oh ok. I see the confusion. I don't mean a mother-son love. That's another kind of love...the one that leads -sort of- there. The one between your mom and dad...boy loves girl and the sorts...''

Jason had just realised that there isn't only one kind of love. His mother loved him,that was the only love he knew and seeing the relationship between his parents,he never though before they,maybe once, loved each other, whatever that meant. How different was that kind if love ? Deep down he was hoping you would show him. He didn't know anyone else, not to mention a girl.

''Anyway, nowadays marriage has a lot more questions like 'what about queer people' and stuff.I'll tell you about it when the time is right...''

When the movie ends, you both take turns in brushing your teeth. You meant to ask Jason if he would like to sleep at your place again but hesitated. The first time might have been accidental but the howling wind outside making him more likely to answer 'yes' to your question.

''Um...Jason, would you...never mind...goodnight.'' you say and hug him slightly awkwardly. It was getting cold outside


Disclaimer : I am not trying to push any personal views abot marriage,it's just something I use to push the conversation (a means to an end). This is both important for the story and -spoiler aler- ironic.

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