Chapter 33- Percy

Start from the beginning

       Frank was turning into a bunch of different animals, biting the snowflakes.

        Piper and Jason were currently having a snowball fight. They would jump behind big piles of snow before chucking balls of ice at each other.

       “Boys against girls snowball fight!” Percy yelled.

       Leo jumped up from the snow and threw snow into a large pile. He began to pat it down, making some kind of fort.

       “Hurry up, Valdez,” Frank called. “Look.” He pointed to the other side of the meadow. The other fort was higher.

       “Why did you think of this, Percy?” Leo asked.

       “If you get hit you’re out!” Piper jumped up and threw a snowball. It hit Leo straight in the chest.

       “No!” Very dramatically, Leo clutched his chest and fell into the snow. “Leave me here… go on, defeat the girls!” And he pretended to die.

       “Piper, you killed Leo!” Percy shouted. He scooped up a snowball and attempted to throw it at Piper, but she dove behind the fort.

       “You have bad aim,” Frank commented.

       “Hey!” Percy complained. “I may not play baseball, but I can pitch.”

       A snowball hit Frank on the side of the head. Someone laughed. It was Annabeth.

       “Do you have a plan?” Jason asked. “We’re getting beat here.”

       “I have an idea.” Percy scooped up a snowball and chucked it. Someone wailed. Hazel stormed away from the fort.

       “Ooh,” Leo called with glee. “Boyfriends against girlfriends, oh man, I love this!”

       “You’re going down!” Piper peered over the fort with a smirk. She threw a large snowball and it hit Jason in the face.

       Leo was doubled over with laughter. “Nice one, Piper!”

       She smirked. “Sorry, Jason, but I want to win.” She winked. “Are you going to root for me?”

       “Aw, no,” Jason grumbled. “I’m rooting for Percy.”

       “Shucks,” Annabeth growled, crossing her arms. Percy thought about how beautiful she was right when he dodged a snowball.

       “Sorry for this,” Percy called. He mustered his strength and threw a snowball. He was aiming for Piper, but it hit Annabeth on the head.

       “Percy!” Annabeth looked ready to murder him. She got up and stormed through the meadow and punched Percy in the arm. "Even though you got me out, I still kind of want you to win."

       He said something smart like, “Uh duh.”

       “You’re going down,” Piper taunted. She was picking up a snowball when suddenly the ground underneath Percy wasn’t there anymore. He fell, freefalling for a moment before hitting the ground.

       “Oh my gods, we’re in an underground cave.” Leo stood up and looked around. “Okay, we have no way to get out.”

       Piper looked clammy and ready throw up. She was hyperventilating, panting for air and leaning against the dirt walls. When her face began to turn green, Percy knew he needed to ask what was wrong.

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