Chapter 39- Annabeth

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Recap:     “How do you know?” Jason asked.

     Before Hazel could answer, the door opened, slamming into the wall. Standing in the doorway was Octavian, two knives in his hand and a teddy bear in the other.

     He smiled, his crazy eyes glinting with anticipation. He cocked his head and asked, “Miss me?"

     And he threw his knife directly at Percy’s chest.

Chapter 39


     “No!” Annabeth shrieked at the top of her lungs. She saw Octavian’s Imperial gold knife fly through the air gracefully like a bullet. Everything went in slow motion. She tried to deflect the knife with her own knife. Her legs seemed to move sluggish, and that made her panic like crazy.

     The knife dug into Percy’s chest.

     He groaned, holding his chest. He dropped to his knees, instantly paling.

     “No!” Annabeth repeated, tears falling from her eyes quickly. She looked at Octavian, hatred in her eyes. “Get out of here! If you kill him, the whole world may come to an end! Who do you think you are?”

     He smirked. Before he could easily turn and stride away, someone who was willing to risk their life gave a battle screech and attacked the slimeball.

     Piper took two strides before launching herself onto Octavian’s body. She dug her nails into his back. He bellowed in pain, thrashing around, trying to push her away, but she just gave a frightening snarl before holding him in a headlock. He managed to stumble out into the meadow. Jason and Leo instantly followed.

     Annabeth found that she could move again. She rushed to Percy, propping up his weak head. His shirt was sticky with blood. His chapped lips moved, and he croaked out, “Ocean.”

     “Ocean,” she whispered. She snapped her head up to Hazel. “Where’s your horse, Arion? Please!”

     Hazel, who looked like she was going into shock, stuck two fingers in her mouth and gave a long whistle. In a second, the tan horse came running over, wisps of smoke clinging to his hooves. She rushed over, put her hands on his head, and whispered something softly to him. She turned and nodded. “He’ll take you.”

     In a moment Annabeth was pulling Percy to his feet. She managed to get him on the horse. She scrambled behind him, putting her arms firmly around his waist, looking down at Hazel with wet eyes.

     “Wish me luck,” Annabeth choked out. She looked at Arion and said, “Take us to the ocean! Go as fast as you can!”

     The horse neighed before running. He was going so fast that Annabeth nearly fell off. She held Percy tighter and prayed to every god to keep him alive.

     “Wise Girl,” he coughed out.

     “Yes?” she whispered.

     He touched the knife. “I love you.” His head drooped.

     “Stay alive!” she screamed. She yelled to Arion, “Hurry!”

     Every moment mattered. Her boyfriend’s life was on the line. If he died, she would die on the inside.

     She choked at she thought that alternative. Her eyesight blurred from the tears. Her face stung with the cold wind slapping her face.

     Soon Arion stopped so unexpectedly that she nearly fell. She gathered her balance, jumped down, grabbed Percy, and stumbled to the ocean.

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