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A/N: Yes, I know a lot of people were pissed when I discontinued the story. Unfortunately, even all the rage and hate from the fandom will not get me to continue this (although, if I find myself getting interested again, I might do a rewrite, but it is unlikely), but I thought it was pretty shitty of me to just leave you guys hanging and not even offer a summary of what was going to happen after chapter 35.

Keep in mind that this was a story I started when I was 15, and a story I didn't really plan out too well. Everything was all over the place, and eventually writing it became dull, and the chapters I pushed out didn't seem that great (or what 15-year-old me considered great at that time). There are a lot of things I wish I could have done differently, so I'll be including a few of these points in the "summary" as well.

Without further ado, here, beginning with the changes.


Goku and Chi Chi should have interacted a little more and decide that they don't share the love and passion as they once did, and agreed on a mutual break-up prior to the tournament; Goten would have still lived with Chi Chi while Goku took up residence in his grandpa's old house again. Why? Because I really do not condone cheating and included that aspect solely because I was not creative enough to think about another alternative, and thought cheating was "edgy". Blagh. Chi Chi might be a hated character in the fandom, but I should have respected her character a little more.

More romantic interactions between Goku and Caulifla, other than sex, though I won't specify what because I'm too far gone from the fandom to properly imagine any realistic interaction with these characters anymore. But maybe they will disclose their pasts to each other sooner rather than later?

Dampering down on the unnecessary OCs. This was a major complaint, and I can see where I went wrong. I love OCs to death, but I shouldn't have made so many actually relevant to the story. This is a lesson I'm still learning, because I'm doing a similar thing in the story that I'm currently working on (Naruto has more leeway, though). I'll work on it. The only OC I would have kept mostly as it is would probably be Chaya, simply because I made her important to Caulifla, and therefore the plot.

Keeping Freeza as a more neutral villain minding his own business, like in the series, rather than sending him back to HFIL; I had an arc planned for him, but I can no longer remember what it is about. Hah.

Kafara will have a more scientifically-minded personality, rather than being a power-playing megalomaniac, but still enjoys pulling strings from the shadows. She still seeks power, but it is more for her own personal gain rather than a wish for universal dominance, and, after hearing of the Super Saiyan God and the tournament (for plot convenience, the tournament was broadcasted, somehow; I think Universe 2 did that but I can't recall). She wants to turn Caulifla into a SSJG so she can absorb her power, killing Caulifla should it occur. The reason why Kafara is unwilling to test it out on herself is because she knows the power would destroy her own body. Caulifla can contain it as well as damper it to the point where Kafara is able to absorb it via ingestion of her blood. This was something that was going to be put in the original, but I never made it to that point.

After Chapter 35:

After Chaya switches allegiances to family, she informs Goku of Caulifla's whereabouts. Kafara is notified of Chaya's betrayal, and sends Kale to stop them. Kale easily overpowers Chaya to the point where she is very wounded, and engages with Goku in an epic battle. Goku attempts to remind Kale of who she really is but to no avail; she is lost in the darkness of her own mind.

The fight destabilizes the ship, and it's bloody-fucking-chaos everywhere as people try to escape from the battle. The kerfuffle is noticed by the Sadala police people, and Cabba and a squad are interrupted from finding out the truth behind Raidaishi's death and sent to the ship to investigate. Renso is freed in the pandemonium, and discovers Chaya's wounded form. The duel between Goku and Kale has naturally moved to a different area. Big booms and stuff. Kafara is heading to Niifa's lab, where the final stages of the Caulifla God Chi insertion are happening.

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