Burning bridges

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"Bulma!" Tights called, running after her sister as the blue-haired woman stalked down the halls. "Bulma, wait! Where are you going?"

"My room," the heiress said curtly, not stopping for her elder sibling. "There are some things I need to sort out..." She halted in front of her quarters. "Listen Tights. I wouldn't let the others know yet. I just need to figure out some things first before I go announcing that we're about to have an apocalypse if things don't change. I don't want anyone freaking out. You go back to Bra and play with her and Wally for a bit before returning outside."

Tights nodded. "Just one thing. Wally?"

"Why not?" Bulma retorted. "I've always wanted to have a puppy called Wally but I never got the chance..."

"Mmhm." Tights brief amusement faded away. "Sis. What's going on? Do you have any idea? You made that machine after all."

"I don't know what's going on," Bulma admitted. "But trust me when I say I'm going to find out. If they ask about my whereabouts just say I as feeling a bit under the weather from all those drinks I had, 'kay?"

"Fine. But you know how easily I crack under peer pressure, so don't blame me if Vegeta smashes your door open while you're busy 'being sick'." She said the last part mimicking quotation marks with her fingers.

"Got it." Bulma gave Tights a brief thumbs up before entering the room and shutting the latter out.

Tights sighed. "Why do all good things have to come to an end?" She had been hoping for more bonding time with her sister. "Oh well... I'll go see Bra and Trunks and then it's back to the party for me." The gory image of the dying rabbit passed through her mind, sending a chill down her spine. I hope Bulma figures things out soon...


As the two females, one saiyan and the other one fierce enough to be a saiyan, stormed off in opposite directions, Goku was at a loss of what to do; who to go after. He stared after Caulifla for a bit before retreating in Chi Chi's direction.

"Chi Chi! Chi Chi, wait up!"

Gohan furrowed his brow. What's going on? What have I been missing?

"Gohan?" Videl said, her voice filled with concern. "Are you okay?"

Pan made a small squeak as her father rocked her particularly violently as he snapped out his thoughts. The small baby pouted at her father, who apologized softly and kissed her forehead.

"Why is it that I feel like I've been missing something?" Gohan wondered aloud. His gaze sharpened. "Mom and dad are having a fight, aren't they? I bet Caulifla is somehow behind is."

"Don't you think you're jumping into conclusions too soon, Gohan?" asked Videl, taking Pan from her husband and bouncing the babe lightly in her arms.

Gonan stared solemnly after Goku. "I don't know, Videl. But I'm going to find out."

"Let them talk to each other first," Videl advised, raising her voice slightly. "It'd be better that way."

Saiyaman's alter ego took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine. I just hope they don't hurt each other too much. Mom's really sensitive even if she doesn't show it at times. At the same time, she can be insensitive too. Gah, parents are so complicated!"

Videl couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her husband's expense. "Oh? Does that mean we're over complicated too, then? After all, we're parents too."

Pan cooed in agreement.

While the young couple spoke, they didn't notice Cabba and Kale flying after a seething Caulifla.

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