Wigs will fly

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Dear Ms. Briefs,

Thank you for your generous donation. You are probably curious on what went on at Herculopolis Mall on July 23, Age 796. It will not be easy for me to explain the mysterious happenings of that day - eyewitness reports state the most bizarre things. You simply won't believe anything I say.

Regardless, thank you again for your generous donation. It will be a hard and gruelling task to rebuild Herculopolis Mall from scratch but the effort will be worth it in the end.

Yours truly, J. Timberstone


Caulifla stood at the counter as she contemplated on what to order. The flashing menu was teasing her with its neon lights. Everything seemed so delicious... Oh well. There was no harm in getting everything on the menu seeing as there were three hungry saiyans to feed. Still, she rubbed her chin, scrutinizing the descriptions of each food item. If one sounded particularly good, then she'd order more than one of those. And of course, there was a whole variety of alcohols and desserts, but she'd come back to that later.

"Are you going to order, ma'am?" the cashier asked politely. "I recommend the Buffalo Bill. It's today's special." The woman smiled and pointed at a chalkboard, which indeed proclaimed the burger as a special.

"Yeah, I got it," Caulifla said. "I'll get three Buffalo Bills and one of everything else."

The woman faltered, her eyes bulging slightly. "I-I'm sorry, ma'am, did you say everything else?"

"Are you deaf or stupid? Do you have to make me repeat myself?"

"Uhh, of course not... But if you don't mind me saying, that's an awful lot of food."

"No shit."

The woman tapped in the order, looking frazzled. "Umm, it might be a long wait, especially since you want everything. Are you going to takeaway or eat here?" She glanced up expectantly at Caulifla, hoping that the saiyan would burst out laughing and tell her it was all just a joke. When Caulifla did no such thing, the cashier balked.

"Eat here," Caulifla answered, gesturing to where Cabba and Kale were sitting. "Deliver the food to that table."

The clerk ducked down before springing back up with a table number in her hand. "Y-yes, of course. This is your table number. Your order totals to four-thousand three hundred zeni. Cash or card?"

"Cash. My friend will pay after we finish eating."

The poor cashier didn't have the guts to tell Caulifla that customers normally paid before the food arrived at their table. "Yes, that's fine... Have a good day, ma'am." Please don't get me fired, please don't get me fired... Even if I hate my job...

While Caulifla ordered, Kale and Cabba were talking amongst themselves.

"Are you okay, Kale?" asked Cabba. "I want you to be happy today. Please don't think about that dirtbag."

Kale gave him a weak smile. "I'm trying. I really am enjoying our day so far." She looked at her lap bashfully. "D-do you think we could do it again someday?"

Hope bloomed in Cabba's chest. "Yes!" he blurted, startling Kale slightly. "Sorry. I'd love to do this again with you. And, ah, maybe without Caulifla this time? I mean, I don't have anything against her, but..." I want to spend more time with you, Kale. I love you! I think. Great. Now I'm letting my inner Lime get to me.

"I think I saw a theatre on the way down here," said Kale. "Do you think that, well, we could go and watch a movie...?" Oh no, what if he doesn't like movies? Am I going too fast?

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