Crossing the threshold

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The twin smiles etched on the faces of the Omni-Kings were more chilling than they were infectious. After the tournament had ended, the Zenos summoned the Universe 7 team and its divine representatives.

"Goku!" both Zenos said in unison, obviously pleased that their friend had survived the grueling battle royal.

"Yo," greeted Goku, looking worse for wear. Behind him, Team Universe 7 watched his every move.

The Grand Priest floated in front of the Omni-Kings, but not in a way which obscured them; instead, he hovered a bit to the side. "Congratulations. As promised, the prize is one wish using the super dragon balls."

Snarling silently, Freeza, in his unsealed form, roughly grabbed Goku by the arm and hissed in his ear, "That wish is mine! You gave me your word, monkey, and you will give me that wish."

"Hehe, about that..."

Whis, noticing the commotion, addressed his father. "May we have time to discuss what we want to wish for?"

"Of course."

The warriors huddled to the side; most of them had no desire for any wishes and had simply competed for the sake of the universe, but there were also those who wished to have their greatest fancy granted. Namely, Android 18 and Freeza, the latter's time in the living world slowly ticking away.

"You promised us," 18 began, briefly turning to Kuririn, "a money prize. 10 million zeni to be exact." Before they had left Capsule Corp for the World of Void, 18 had declined Bulma's hearty donation. Bulma was her friend after all and 18 didn't want to be mooching off a friend.

"Hah!" scoffed Freeza, his tail twirling irritably in the air. "That's nothing. After all, the saiyan did promise me a resurrection."

Vegeta glared dangerously at his former master. "If that idiot actually decides to revive you, I'll send you back to hell myself!"

"Really now, Vegeta. How quaint of you - you cannot possibly hope to defeat me now that I have found the perfect balance within my body. I outclass you in every way, shape and form."

Before a full-scale argument could break out, Goku turned to the Zenos. "We've decided!"


"Good, good!" cheered the Omni-Kings, silencing protests. "Hurry, hurry!" they urged the Grand Priest. "Let's go outside and summon the dragon!"

Once they were outside, everyone tensed for the summoning of Super Shenlong.

The Grand Priest smiled. "Come forth, Dragon of the Gods, and grant my wish pretty peas!"

"Pretty peas?" Beerus echoed, still unsure of the meaning.

The mystical Super Shenlong appeared from the balls in dramatic flair, his serpentine body twisting and glowing. Being so large, his body continued to unravel outside of the perimeter of the Omni-Kings' temple. The dragon was bigger than galaxies - it wasn't anything at all like summoning Shenlong in Bulma's backyard.

Freeza scowled terribly at the miserable Son Goku and the two Zenos. If the saiyan didn't wish for Freeza's resurrection there would be hell to pay. The Arcorsian watched Goku closely as he addressed the dragon. "Super Shenlong! I wish for all the universes and its inhabitants erased in the Tournament to be restored!"

"You cheating bastar-!" Freeza angrily shouted before his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He collapsed forward, revealing Beerus with his hand held in a chopping position.


The Grand Priest and Super Shenlong exchanged a few words in Godly Language before something bright flashed; the wish had been granted.

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