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Birdsong filled the air, filling the land with its harmonious symphony. Cherry blossom petals fluttered through the air, spiraling in the direction of the wind or drifting lazily into untidy heaps on the rocks. Sunlight spilled over the mountains as it finally peaked over the horizon, bringing warmth into the frigid morning temperatures.

Caulifla stretched her limbs in preparation for what was sure to be a though workout. Nearby, Goku was doing something similar; leg stretches. He turned his head.

"You know, I honestly wasn't expecting you to get up so early," he admitted, grinning sheepishly.

"I told you I would and I did," Caulifla said simply, tightening the belt around her gi. Chi Chi's waistline was slightly wider and every once in a while she had to give the belt a good tug lest the entire top half fall off her upper body. There was no undershirt to go with the outfit. "You shouldn't have doubted me, Goku."

When he didn't reply she got confused, swiveling her head to look at him. Goku was dozing off slightly in the middle of a leg stretch. She bared her teeth at him. Did he think she was some kind of joke? She stormed over to him and hit him upside the head. "Hey! Wake up doofus!" He yawned, blinking blearily. Caulifla growled and placed her foot on the side of his head and kicking. "Get up!"

"Okay, okay, I'm up!" cried Goku, rubbing his cheek and mock glaring at his new trainee. His mouth opened in another yawn. "Sorry about that..."

Caulifla gave him a questioning look. "Rough night?"

"More so than you could ever imagine," he said plainly, his eyes glassing over with a rheum as he recalled all the things he had thought of last night.

Caulifla squatted down so that she could talk to him face to face on the same level. "Does it have anything to do with Chi Chi?" His silence gave her the answer. "Forget about her, Goku. Just for a few hours so we can actually train." She crossed her arms, sending him a stern gaze.

"Yeah, you're right," said Goku, getting up. His eyes gleamed as he was reminded of the unspoken promise of a fight with such a strong opponent. "Let's get started!"

Caulifla smirked. "Now you're speaking my language."


They had started with training Caulifla in super saiyan three first. There wasn't much to do - just some light sparring and then Caulifla would try to stay in that form for the rest of the morning to try and get used to it. In the afternoon, they would spar again, this time harder and fiercer. The designated time-frame was fast approaching and, after finishing a huge lunch, Goku was teaching Caulifla new techniques. The girl had shown great talent for mimicry and Goku was practically shoving more techniques down her throat every time she perfected one.

"Kienzan?" repeated Caulifla. "And Kuririn invented it? Doesn't seem all that promising to me if it was made by a human."

"The kamehameha was made by Kamesenin and he's a human," Goku pointed out, knowing that Caulifla had experienced the destructiveness of the wave first hand. "Don't knock it till you try it, Cauli. The kienzan's a very powerful move, especially since it can cut through just about anything."

That definitely piqued her interest. "Alright, I'm officially intrigued. Shoot."

"I'm no expert at this..." Goku said, lifting his arm up and flattening his palm against the sky. "But here goes nothing. KIENZAN!" A yellow disc appeared above his hand, spinning dangerously. "HAH!" He threw it into a small neighboring mountain, one that he knew was unoccupied by any lifeforms. At first, it looked like nothing had happened but then, to Caulifla's amazement, the apex of the mountain disconnected from the gigantic stone formation and slid down the side.

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