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She sits there like a statue, no worse, like a queen in her castle which disgusts me. Who the hell does she think she is coming back here? Even worse my father let her step foot in the house.

She gives me a once over as if assessing to see how I've turned out but she has no right, she has no right to know me, or see me, or be here.

It's becoming harder to breath the more I look at her and realise just how real this is. What hurts more is that she looks perfect, maculate, as if leaving her children for almost ten years had done her the world of good and I hate her for it. Her face looks fuller and prettier, her hair holds an unrelated shine and gloss, and her body posture is touch as if she's telling me I'm the one who doesn't belong here.

"Nazareth." She smiles, the worst smile I've ever seen. She's been gone for almost ten years and then shows up out of the blue and decided to smile at me. "You've grown into such a beautiful young women."

She can't be serious.

This is not happen.

Burning hot tears are streaming down my face, furious is an understatement of what I feel right now. I can't breath nor can I see properly due to my anger.

"Just because you weren't around doesn't mean I didn't stop growing." I spit out before I can stop myself but that's not even half of what I want to say right now.

She looks taken aback as if she were expecting me to welcome her with open arms, there is no lifetime where that would ever happen. There is no world where it is acceptable to leave your children behind without a single word and then randomly show up out of the blue seven years later.

"Nazareth! Mind your manners, she is still your mother and you will show her respect." My dad hisses through gritted teeth that only takes me over the edge. Of course he is taking her side, I never meant anything to him to begin with. If anything I was a burden of a reminder that his wife had left.

Then it hits me. It all makes sense. The going out when he didn't have work, the happier moods, the days off and family days out, he didn't wake up and suddenly care about us he was preparing for when she came home.

How long had they been talking? How long had he kept my mother a secret from me? Was that their plan all along, wait for me to graduate and move out and then become one big happy family without the burden of me?

"She is not my mother. She decided that the day she left." I bark no longer being able to control my rage. How could this be happening? More so how could my father let this happen, has he forgotten this very woman is the women that left us without a second thought?

"Nazareth you better-"

I didn't stay long enough to hear the rest of what my dad had to say, at this point it meant nothing to me anymore. I hurried odd in the direction of my room and slammed the door shut behind me.

My dad yelled but my mum was quick to shut him up dismissing my hatred as teenage girl dramatics. She can't be serious? Dramatics? She left and then came walking right back as if nothing had ever happened. Did she not realise that time went on without her, a whole lifetime for that matter.

To make sure no one came in I made my way to my dresser and pushed it until it was blocking the door making sure the door could be budged open.

The tears hadn't stopped falling since I entered my room but now I was having trouble breathing. My chest was heaving rapidly as short gasps left my mouth. It seemed as if no matter how much air I inhaled it just simply would be enough.

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