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As I make my way up the footpath I can't help but frown at the sight of Jakob seated on the steps in front of the door. I pull my ear phones out of my ear and move towards the door.

I'm not in the mood to speak to Jakob right now, or anyone for that matter. Since what happened at school the other day my dad has been in worse moods than usual. The following day we had a meeting with the principle who said that this kind of behaviour may have simply been the stress of school and graduation and recommended that I take the rest of the week off and maybe visit the school counsellor next week when I return.

This didn't sit well with my dad, as expected he thought I was simply being a drama queen and wouldn't hear me out even though I had nothing to say about my actions because I still don't know why I have been so moody lately.

Since then I have stayed at home all day and only left to drop and pick Kasper up from school or go for a run in the afternoon.

Right now I'm coming back home after a run to cook dinner before dad goes off to work and fitting Jakob into my schedule just doesn't fit for me right now.

Although it is more than obvious that I have seen Jakob I walk right past him as if he wasn't even there.  As my hand reaches for the door know from the corner of my eye I notice him push off of the steps and before I know it his hand is on my wrist gently tugging me back to him causing me to turn around.

"Jakob just go away." I huff attempting to pull away wanting nothing more than to be as far away from him as possible.

Although my heart began racing smiling miles per an hour when I saw him I can't help but feel numb and when I'm numb I'm more harsh than usual.

"No. I just came to check on you, there are rumours flying around school and none of them are good."

Of course they aren't good. I'm Naz there are rumours about me anyway, add an uncalled for tantrum in class followed by a week of being MIA and the school is probably having a field day.

Nella calls me every night to give me the days gossip, in her own weird little was that is how she is checking up on me, but filtered out anything to do with me which was rather obvious. But I don't think I need to hear what people are saying and when I go back to school on Monday I hope everything has calmed down by then.

"Why? Why do you care? Just leave." I mutter not even finding the energy to yell or tell him off. At this point I don't even care and he made it rather obvious that he doesn't care about me the other night so why is he here?

"Because like it or not I care, you were my best friend for nearly ten years." At this I'm doing everything in my power not to punch him in the face.

He was the one that told me he didn't care and now he's saying he does?

Why are guys so infuriating?

"I don't need your pity." I seethe. I was about to add 'that's what you said the last time I saw you, that it was all just pity because you felt sorry for me' but I stop myself. I don't need him knowing just how much what he said had hurt me.

If you don't want people knowing how much they affect you it's simply, you just don't show them. People say they want to show no emotions yet they go and do the exact opposite. It's not rocket science and I guess I just have common sense and years of practice.

"There is a difference between pity and caring." At this I walk into the house because I know if I stand and talk with Jakob any longer I will push him off the porch hard enough to do damage.  The last thing I need is my dad getting pissed because I put one of his friend's sons in hospital.

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