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"Wow this place is empty, remember when we were kids and it was packed almost every weekend." Jakob notes as we walk through the doors yo the bowling alley in the local mall, Liam and Kasper running ahead of us eagerly while my dad trailed behind us not as enthusiastically.

Today was another one of those weird days where dad had the night off but he would be going out tonight, for the first time since I can remember, so he decided we would go bowling as a family together. Kasper had asked if Liam could come along and then when we went to pick him up Jakob had slid into the car as well.

It felt weird hanging out with just him and Liam without their parents and I knew I had to be careful with how we behaved because my dad would be more alert since there was no one else around. It's bad enough Mrs Denton has already sussed me out over it I don't need my dad loosing his shit too.

"Oh my god Jakob," I groaned with an eye roll. "You sound just like my dad. 'Back in my day we actually played outside unlike today's generation who just sit with their tv and games.'" I mimic causing Jakob to laugh but he's right, the bowling alley is empty. On the bright side at least no one I know will see me.

My dad gets the lane and our shoes while Jakob and I help our brothers pick out the right sized ball, I go for my usual baby blue size seven ball and waited while everyone else took their turn.

"You're up."

Jakob sends me a knowing look causing me to frown to myself before picking up my bowling ball and lining myself up the way I have learned to after so many times bowling here with my dad and Kasper.

"What the hell?" Jakob cries out as I make my way back to my seat next to him.

"What?" I quiz as my dad gets up to take his turn.

"You just got a strike!" He points out as if I wasn't already aware.

"I know, that is the aim of bowling isn't it?" I surmised. I couldn't help my sarcastic attitude he was being rather dim, which I guess is a nicer version of saying flat out stupid.

"When we went bowling you told me you were crap at bowling. You lied." He accused causing my eyes to widen at his words.

I had completely forgotten about the time I had gone bowling with Jakob alone,well technically I wasn't alone because that was the disaster of the time that Nella, Tori, and Vee had been in my ear watching us with a camera. Never again, a mistake I refuse to relive.

Instead of answering I attempt to walk away causing Jakob to shoot up and grab my arm stopping me from going anywhere.

"You're not going anywhere until you tell me why you lied." He moved his hands so he was gripping onto my waist and I swear in that moment I hated him for it. Does he know the impact that simple action has on me, because I swear he does which is why he does it so often. It's my weakness.

"Jakob let go." I laugh trying to pry his hands off of me before my dad notices and starts asking questions.

"Tell me why." He probes causing me to groan throwing my head back like a bratty child.

"Fine! Just get off me." I push him away but I think it's too late and my dad has seen. "Guys don't like it when girls are better than them at stuff so I played badly on purpose to feed your ego." This is mainly a lie because there is no way I could ever tell Jakob the real reason I played badly.

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