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Making my way to the lounge room I keep my head down not wanting to meet my dads gaze. This is going to be interesting. My mind is racing with a million and one excuses but I can't think of a single explanation. It is obvious to even the dumbest person alive that I was out last night, add Jakob and I in my room with me in my underwear first thing in the morning -afternoon- and that just makes the situation so much better.

I don't even want to know what is running through my dads head right now, knowing my father it can't be good. He has never trusted me so in his mind I'm sure he has come up with some crazy scenario that is far from the truth, heck he probably even has my punishment planned out. Starting with taking my phone off me, that's always his favourite.

I take a seat in the middle of the three seater lounge, leaning back into the couch lazily, hoping he senses that I'm not interested in the topic at all. The quicker this is over, the better.

My dad steps forward so he is towering over me blocking my view from the blank tv. I keep my head down, my attention on my hands. I'm known to be very expressive with eye rolls and mimicking when I am mad so it is best if I keep my face out of sight from my father otherwise that will only make things worse for me. He's already going to be in a bad mood, let's not make things worse.

"Are you going to explain?" Though it's a question his tone is cold stating that no matter what the answer I give him I will still get in trouble.

I lift my gaze slightly so I can watch him through strands of my messy hair as I talk.

"I went out with Tori last night" I lie. I might as well get in trouble for something and no way was I going to throw Nella under the bus. Not only would she get in trouble as well but she would be banned from coming over. Her mum thinks she was at her dads last night and her dad thinks she was at her mums. It's better if she is left entirely out of the picture. Besides I could go without seeing Tori.

"And what was Jakob doing over this morning? Nazareth do you think I'm stupid! I can't believe you actually think I wouldn't find out. I told you no boys and you decided to bring a guy over when I wasn't home. You are band from seeing him. From now on you will go straight to school and come straight home. I will drive you and you will have a baby sitter when I am at work." He begins yelling as I roll my eyes.

"Wow, because I was allowed so much freedom before." I retort under my breath but thankfully he doesn't hear it over his list of punishments. He acts like he gives me so much freedom but he doesn't. I have to sneak out of my window and leave my younger brother home alone just to have a life. All I want is to be a normal teenager but I can't even have that because he is too paranoid about me stuffing everything up.

"I wasn't home alone." A small voice breaks into the room causing my head to jolt up. Walking in from the hallway is Kasper still dressed in his ninja turtle pyjamas.

My eyes widen. Kasper shouldn't have to be brought into our fights it isn't fair on him. The same way it wasn't fair on me when I stepped in on my mum and dad fighting when I was a kid.

"Jakob was looking after me. Naz said she would pay him but she didn't do it last night, that's why he was mad this morning." If possible, my eyes widen more. Kasper, my nine years old brother, is sticking up for me. Lying directly to my dads face to protect my ass after I left him home alone last night.

My dad looks over at Kasper, his back towards me so I can't see his face but I'm sure the shock on my face is mirroring his. I quickly compose myself not wanting my dad to know that this is news to me to.

"Is this true?" My dad turns back to me his expression skeptical.

"That's what I was trying to tell you." I respond thanking the lords I have a decent brother.

My dad pauses for a moment and I can tell he is contemplating my punishment. Whatever it is I'm sure I have been through worse.

"Your grounded for two weeks, not allowed to go anywhere near Tori, and you will do extra chorus to pay Jakob the money you owe him." My dad finally declares. Nella is going to be pissed. She isn't allowed over when I am grounded and this house was her only escape from her dads place unless she wanted to patch things up with her mum which was highly unlikely.

"Whatever." I shrug getting up wanting to take a shower. The last twenty four hours have been more eventful then most.

As I stand in the shower I can't help but replay the way the kiss with Jakob had made me feel. It sent shivers through my whole body in a way that I had never felt before. His lips, though slightly chapped, had felt soft against mine. Yet the kiss was anything but soft. It brought warmth to my whole body in ways I never new possible. I have gone further with other guys but I never felt a buzz inside the way I did just thinking back to the kiss.

Not being able to hold it in I let out a sob. The water was loud enough to drown out my cries. This feeling was foreign and it scared me. Not to mention the fact that I have no one to turn too for advice. I could never tell my dad about this or any of the stuff I have ever done with guys, Nella would laugh at me as would any of my other so called friends, and my mum wouldn't be an option. I am literally so alone and so confused.

If it felt so good why did I push him away? If I enjoyed it why did it scare me so much?

I slide down the shower wall until I'm seated on he floor and I bring my knees to my chest, hiding my face away as I curl up into a ball.

Why couldn't I have a normal life? Jakob has a normal life with two parents who love him, an older sister he gets along with and friends that he likes. Why do I have a dad who refuses to let me do anything, a mum who doesn't care, and friends who don't even know me?

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