Evie Adams vs The Ceiling Incident

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Oh God! I can't believe I nearly kissed him, if Lexie hadn't have burst through that door we'd have been all over each other; and I wasn't sure if I was relieved or disappointed. There had definitely been a spark when I'd kissed his cheek and he'd felt it too, judging by his reaction. I could still his hands pulling me into his hard body, holding me there while he leaned down to kiss me. Then the blind panic and frustration when Lexie had come in.

There had been a really awkward moment as the three of us stood in silence waiting for the next person to speak. Seth had escaped as quick as he could, leaving me with a suspicious Lexie who wouldn't stop asking questions about the situation she'd walked into. I managed to keep quiet unsure of what happened between the two of us myself.

I then subsequently spent a restless night overthinking the situation, I just couldn't fall asleep and then when I finally did I only got an hour and a half of sleep. Looking in the mirror I saw the dark circles under my eyes and the tired lines, I looked terrible but I knew if I went back to bed I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep anyway. A hot shower would work some of the kinks out for me.

 The hot water didn't help much, I still felt tired and a little sore from the fall yesterday. I had a huge bruise on my hip where I'd hit the ground and fingerprint bruises on my arse. I'd caught sight of them in the bathroom mirror and had been shocked, I didn't think he'd held me that hard. I dressed and headed down to the kitchen.

Coffee, I desperately needed coffee; black, one sugar, extra strong. The hot liquid had an immediate effect in waking me up, I was back to being alert and ready to take on some more clearing up. Leaning against the counter I savoured the drink with my eyes clothes, I couldn't live without coffee.

Someone cleared their throat next to me. "You look like shit." My eyes shot open to find Seth grinning at me, he looked awful too; bags under his eyes, tiredness etched across his face, hair tousled like he'd just rolled out of bed. That was not an image I needed to dwell on.

"So do you." I nodded back and smiled, he poured himself a cup of coffee and hoisted himself up to sit on the counter next to me. He towered over me now even more than when he was just standing by me; I was 5'7'', not exactly tiny but he just seemed so much taller and bigger and stronger.

"I hope you're not planning any more suicide attempts today." I glanced at him through narrowed eyes and found him grinning again. My heart beat that little bit faster as I stared at him, how could he have such an immediate effect on me?

"I'm thinking of tackling the bathroom today."

"Oh really!" His eyes lit up and his smile widened further. "Are you planning on wearing clothes or is a shower curtain this season's must have!" I blushed as I remembered the other night when he'd seen me naked in the bathroom. I couldn't think of a quick enough reply so simply took another sip of coffee while he chuckled at me.

"Hey, get off my worktops!" Lexie slapped her brother on the back as she came into the kitchen, he slipped off the surface and leant against the counter next to me. His arm brushed mine and sent goose bumps everywhere; I'd never been this affected by a man before. Draining the last of my coffee, I placed the mug near the sink and headed away from another awkward situation.

"Call if you need help again!" I turned to see Seth's grin as I reached the doorway, it grew wider and I flipped him the bird. His laughter followed me through the hall and up the stairs. I growled to myself as I went up to the second floor and onto the unused side of the landing. I'd armed myself with black bin bags, a broom and a dust mask; now I was ready to take on the crumbling bathroom.

Opening the door tentatively, I didn't want to get flattened by any more falling plaster, I crept in slowly. There was dust everywhere, it was like it had snowed in the room. All the fixtures were in the same places I'd left them in, dusty and caked with fallen plaster, I looked at the ceiling and saw the patches that fallen and the huge cracks covering the rest. This is going to be a big job!

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