Evie Adams vs The Annoyingly Sexy Stranger

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Ugh! I tried to move from my bed but immediately regretted trying to do anything; my head pounded, I felt sick and my whole body ached. Keeping my eyes shut tight, I reached for the glass of water I was sure I'd left on the bedside table, my hand shuffled around and knocked into something cold and wet; before I could do anything I heard a glass smash and water splash on the wooden floor.

My eyes flew open and I surveyed the mess with a groan. Great now I had to try and complete an obstacle course to get out of bed, it was like one of those initiation tests; you can continue living here if you can avoid the broken glass carpet without leaving bloody footprints throughout the house. God, why did I drink so much last night?

Malcolm and Alice can really put their whiskey away, they must be twice her age and could hold out better than her. My mind flashed back to last night in the local pub – The Stag, they'd taken to celebrate the way she'd told the bank where to get off. All the locals and my new neighbours were there giving me odd looks and making comments about me, so I decided I'd drink the house dry to forget about them.

Well I learnt I definitely couldn't drink more than three double whiskeys without feeling bad, also never mix your drinks. If you don't regret the drunken singing on the night – I think I may have gotten up on the table and made a complete fool of myself at one point – then you'll definitely regret the hangover in the morning. I swung out of the opposite side of the bed to the glass and clambered out of the covers, I needed something to clear the broken class up with.

Venturing onto the landing, I stumbled into the wall as a blinding pain shot through my head; there was too much light out here. I staggered along and eventually found a cupboard with cleaning items in. The smell of polish and bleach cut through my hangover haze and my head began to clear. I found a brush and dustpan and carried it back to the bedroom.

Having swept up the mess I carried it downstairs wanting to get rid of it before I had chance to cause any more accidents. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, the smell of something sweet and delicious hit my nostrils. It was wafting through from the kitchen, maybe I could make a little detour on my way to the bin, what was the harm?

Pancakes, there were pancakes cooking on a griddle pan on the Aga, I looked around but neither Lexie nor anybody was around. Placing the dustpan on the worktop, I crept over to the stove and inhaled the smell of sizzling batter and blueberries, my mouth literally began to water. It was heavenly, pancakes were my one weakness – other than coffee – wave a pancake in front of my face and I'd be yours forever.

"Nice outfit!" My head shot up and cracked the extractor fan overhanging the cooker, I grabbed my scalp and whirled around to see who had spoken. My eyes landed on a one of the hottest men I had ever seen; he was about six foot tall, had short, tufty brown hair and stubble coating his face. Under his shirt and tight t-shirt were a set of muscular abs and he stood with a lop-sided grin on his face that sent my heart racing.

I looked down at what I was wearing, his words having finally registering in my brain. I instantly turned bright red, you could seriously mistake me for a beetroot; I was stood in one of my oldest t-shirts, it was thin and scraggy with holes all over the place, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. Underneath I had on only a pair of knickers, what was I thinking? I was walking around a strange house practically nude.

I glanced back up and found his grin even wider as his eyes scanned me again, my pulse increased further as anger flared inside me, who the hell did he think he was? I placed a hand behind me and set out to give him a piece of my mind when I realised my hand was burning, I'd planted it half on the griddle plate, half on a pancake.

"Fuck that's hot!" I pulled my hand away from the burning hot cooker and cradled it in my other hand. The man had hurried over to me and tried to take my injured hand, I resisted him but he pried my fingers away from the burning skin and dragged me to the sink. The cold water instantly relieved the pain and I let out a satisfied sigh. My eyes flickered open and rested on the stranger's face, he was staring at me, well down my top, which had gaped open as I was leant over the sink.

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