Evie Adams vs The Little People

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Have you ever woken up with a song in your head?

For some reason I woke up this morning with Queen’s ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ in my head and now I couldn’t get rid of it. The words were on a continuous loop in my head and every so often some of them would burst out loud. When they did I blushed and checked around me to make sure nobody could hear them.

Unfortunately for me Seth had just walked into the kitchen as I burst out “Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin’ world go round!” I blushed bright red as I saw the grin stretch across his whole face.

“Freddie really was a genius wasn’t he?” Seth walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug, his lips caught mine and sent shivers across my whole body. We’d been unable to keep our hands off each other all week. When we hadn’t been sorting things for the activity centre or preparing for the school children coming up to the estate, we’d been all over each other and all over the house.

Everybody was beginning to get annoyed at walking in on us in a steamy clinch or half dressed, we were acting like a couple of horny teenagers all the time. I pulled away and saw Lexie shaking her head at us.

“I think we should put a ban on kissing in public places, then nobody would walk in on anybody when they were in a compromising position. Are you all prepared for the children?” She pulled a huge loaf of bread from the oven, filling the room with the rich, delicious smell of baked goods. I pulled out of Seth’s arms and sat at the bench at the table, breathing in the amazing smell of the freshly baked bread.

“Yep, just waiting for them to arrive now. Are you okay doing the food for lunchtime?” I asked as I reached my hand across to grab a piece of the bread. Lexie smacked my hand away giving me a ‘Don’t you even think about it look!’. Pulling my hand back I frowned at her and looked at the mark she’d left on my hand.

“I’ll be fine. Just make sure you get them back up to the house for 12:30 though.” She moved the bread out of my reach and across to the counter at the other end of the room ready for later.

“Don’t worry I’ll make sure we’re back here on time Sis.” Seth stated from his position near the sink.

“Why does that not instil me with confidence?” She shook her head but smiled as she went about preparing some vegetables for later. I drained my coffee cup and carried it over to the sink.

“You ready?” Seth asked as I turned to look at him, he smiled as I nodded nervously. I didn’t think I would be nervous but the activity centre was my baby and if it all ended now it would be a disaster. I took a deep breath and walked through the house to the front door, just as I put my hand on the door handle to pull it open Seth caught my other arm and spun me around.

“There’s nothing to worry about, today will go just fine. Trust me.” He looked me square in the eyes and I couldn’t bear to look away. They were so strong and held so much belief that I had to believe to. I smiled and blinked from the intensity of his stare, looking at me feet I felt him shift closer. His fingers brushed under my chin forcing my face back up to meet his gaze.

“I mean it. This is a brilliant idea, I believe in it, you believe in it and that’s what matters.” His whisper seeped into my body, into my soul and gave me that steel and little bit of confidence that I needed to get through today. Moving my head forwards I brushed my lips against his and pulled back before he could respond.

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