Evie Adams vs The Blast from the Past

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When I arrived back at the house having packed Carl off back to London, I was still in complete shock. I sat in my car, my hands holding the steering wheel in a Vulcan death grip and staring straight ahead. Somewhere next to me my phone began to ring, I smiled as I saw Lola’s name flash up on the screen.

“Good morning Lola.” I said brightly into the phone.

You sound like you’re in a good mood. I bet you shagged that sexy groundskeeper didn’t you?”  I froze, my cheeks turning a dark crimson colour as her words filtered through to my brain.

“Nooo!” I whined completely unconvincingly, anybody could tell I was lying. “I’m just happy because the bankman who’s been staying here has extended our loan and finally gone back home.” That was a little more convincing but I knew Lola wouldn’t believe me, she could always tell when I was lying it was like a gift or a sixth sense or something.

Come off it Evie, I know you and I know how you are not a morning person unless you’ve been shagged rotten the night before!” I could hear the smile in her voice, even though I was 400 odd miles away from her.

“I don’t want to even imagine how you know that.” I shook my head as she laughed down the phone.

I’ve known you forever, we used to live together. I can tell exactly what mood you’re in by the sound of your voice. So how was it? Was it hot?” I cringed at her questions, I was so not comfortable talking about my sex life but I knew if I didn’t tell Lola now she’d keep badgering me until I did.

“Fine! Yes I did shag Seth and it was the best sex of my bloody life. It ranked 1, 2 and 3 in my short list of “sexscapades”!” I nearly shouted down the phone, I smiled as I heard her gasp. She squealed down the line and I had to pull the phone away before she burst one of my eardrums.

Three times! Three times! Three times in one night. This Seth must be like the Duracell bunny. You lucky lady.” I grinned to myself feeling completely smug as I imagined the surprise on Lola’s face.

“Well actually it was twice last night and once again this morning.” My voice had turned husky as I remembered the shower Seth and I had shared this morning. My muscles were still a little sore from all the action but it had been completely worth it.

Ooh I love morning sex.” She sighed down the phone and I suddenly felt even more uncomfortable. “Anyway, I didn’t call to hear about your new found inner sex Goddess. I rang to tell you that you want be missing me for much longer.” I furrowed my eyebrows at her cryptic statement, what was she talking about.

“What do you mean?” I asked as she held me suspense.

It’s the summer holidays next week so I’m going on a road trip to come up and see you. So you better have a huge bedroom waiting for me!” My face stretched into a huge grin that I was sure Lola would be able to hear down the phone. I’d missed my best friend so much and it was only now I realised how much; I was desperate to see her again.

“Brilliant, I’ve missed you so much. I can’t wait to see you. How is school by the way? Are the kids behaving better?”

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