Evie Adams vs The Presentation

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This was not good! This was not good at all! I was staring out of the window, coffee cup in hand with a stupid grin on my face. Seth was sorting bits of wood and every few seconds would look up and smile at me or wink at me sending my heart racing. I could feel myself falling in love with him and the thought scared me a hell of a lot more than I wanted to admit; I was so close to packing my suitcase and driving back down to London.

It wasn't that I didn't want to fall in love with Seth, well partly because I didn't want to fall in love with him. I just had the feeling he didn't feel the same way, that this was just sex for him and nothing more. I couldn't take that but I didn't feel ready for a full on relationship either, especially after what had happened with Steve. Sometime soon I was going to have to do something about these feelings in my stomach and heart.

Shaking my head I turned back towards the kitchen to find Lola grinning at me.

"What? Why are you staring at me?" I shrugged my shoulders at her.

"Seth's nice. Lexie and Angus are great as well, I can see why you're enjoying living up here. Your mum's been really worried about you, she's been on the phone to me and Robbie every day to check up on you." Lola placed her own coffee cup by the sink and headed towards the door. "You should give her a call. I'm off out for the day, Lexie and Angus are showing me the area and I'm going to try and do a little matchmaking." She chuckled as she pulled on a pair of wellington boots.

"Good luck with that!" I laughed and drank the rest of my coffee.

"Ring your mum, I'll catch up with you later." She walked through to the hall humming 'Love is in the air' completely out of tune. I pulled my mobile out of pocket and scrolled down to mum's home phone number, my heart began to pound in my chest as I listened to the ring before the other end of the line picked up.

"Hi mum, just ringing to see how you are." I smiled down the phone and waited for her voice to kick in. Except it didn't, someone else's did and made my blood boil.

"Hi Evie, please don't hang up on me. I want to talk to you, I miss y-"

"What the hell are you doing at mum's house Steve? And what the hell are you doing answering her phone?" I picked up the closest thing to me and threw it across the room, luckily a tea towel doesn't cause as much damage as some of the other things found in this kitchen.

"I popped round to talk about you actually, I want to see you and speak to you in person but no one will tell me where you are. I want to be with you again." Listening to him pleading down the phone, she could just imagine him on his knees in front of her.

"Yeah, well you should have thought about that when you were shagging Hannah on a chest of drawers. Why would I ever want to speak to you again let alone be in a relationship with you?" I huffed angrily down the phone and cut Steve off before he had the chance to say anything else. "I've moved on, I've met someone else who treats me better than you ever did, plus the sex is mind blowing. Now hand the phone to my mother and get out of her house!"

I waited as I heard mumbling come down the line before my mother's voice hit my ears. "Evie, it's so nice to hear from you. How is everything going? Is Lola with you?"

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