haru then goes into a long explanation about himself.

"genko your turn" haru says staring at genko

"well im an orphan... so no family life, I did have my two parents, and a younger sister... I don't remember much about them because they died during the fox attack" genko states

"im sorry" I say quietly

"its fine, anyways I moved out of the orphanage about 2 months before graduation, I have a pet dog that ive left with the Inuzuka clan. I enjoy books a lot, you guys are most likely the only friends I have" he says

"aweeee" I say hugging him

"you deserve a better life than thissss" haru says joining the hug causing us to tumble and crush Genko

we get up and they ask me to talk about myself

"ah ok, well im heir to the nara clan, I have both my parents, a little brother. I have a lot of friends. I also am training in medical justu with scrolls from the library." I say thinking of other things to say

"favorite food?" haru asks

"dango" I say

"favorite animal?" genko asks

"deer" I say

"whats something you like to do" genko asks

"I like to watch the clouds with my younger brother" I say smiling at the thought

"that's lame" haru says

I stick my tongue out at him

"do guys know about sensei?" genko asks

"eh not much, just whats in the bingo book" I say

"well I heard from some ninja that he apparently had a son" genko says

"wait really?" I ask

"yea, he quit being hokage because he was ashamed that he abandoned his son because he didn't want him. he didn't want the kid because his wife was dead" genko says

"what ninja did you hear this from" haru asks

"himself" genko says

"what?" haru asks confused

"I was going to the hokages office to talk about missions when I over heard them talking," genko tells us

"sensei doesn't seem like the type to do something like that" I say not wanting to believe that

"I don't believe it either, but that's what I heard" genko says

"here ill tell you the story" genko says

haru and I sit closer to genko wanting to her the story

Genkos flashback

Genkos P.O.V.

I was walking to the hokages office with a book in my hand reading along the pages soaking up the words.

I get to the door and im about to knock when I hear senseis voice

"I told you sarutobi, I cant... hes.. he reminds me of her... I cant raise him. yes hes my son, but it hurts to much. I know what the villagers do but I.. I just cant" sensei says

"minato please that boy needs his father, he doesn't deserve this" the hokage says

"I cant be his father... hes so much like her, not in looks... but his personality.." sensei says sounding broken

"he looks so much like you" sarutobi says sounding disappointed

"im sorry sarutobi but naru.. he shouldn't have to have a father like me... he deserves someone strong" minato says

"its better than no one minato, please... do it for kushina" the hokage says begging sensei to change his mind.

"I cant.." sensei says

end of flashback

"and that's what I heard before I knocked" genko says

"Naru that's his sons name?" haru says

" it sounded like it wasn't his full name... but yea something like that" genko says

sensei opens the door and walks in

"haru you should shower so we can rest for tomorrow" sensei tells him

"hai" haru says getting up and getting ready to shower

sensei sits between genko and I

"so what were you talking about?" sensei asks

"oh uhhh we were getting to know each other, ya know talking about out lives, past, favorite things" I tell him

"that's good, we should get some sleep" sensei tells us

we nod and go to our beds, I hear genko softly snore and soon sensei starts to breath deeply letting me know he was asleep.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

when I wake I see haru looking down at me

"morning..." I say

"morning rin" he says smiling

I roll onto my stomach and try to go back to sleep

"come on rin, sensei wants to get breakfast then leave" haru says shaking me

I groan, not wanting to leave my bed.

"RIN!!!!!" haru shouts

I sigh and push myself up and out of my warm bed.

"hai hai im up" I say grumpily

I get some clothes and change, I brush my hair and place it into a ponytail, I brush my teeth and now im ready to leave.

"shall we get some eggs?" sensei asks

nobody replies but we follow sensei to a restaurant

we order and eat slowly

"I guess no ones a morning person" sensei says trying to get us to talk

I let a groan out and place my head on the table almost falling asleep.

"the suns not even up.." genko says

"hai, but we have a lot of ground and water to cover" sensei says

we eat and start walking out of town.

"alright lets start our jog" sensei says

we all jog matching out senseis pace.

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