All The Wrong Words

Start from the beginning

"It's a possibility," I nodded.

"And you'd like the possibility of being with me somewhere else?"

"It's not a bad idea." I shrugged hoping he wouldn't be able to tell I had thought about it already.

"Maybe in the city in the fall? New York is most charming then."

"Could be."

"So you're serious about moving?"

"If I get accepted with a decent scholarship I wouldn't reject an offer. Even if it meant I had to work part time to do it."

"Feels like just a week ago you were watching the world end because of Winchester University."

"It did." I nodded. "And seeing the whole thing play out wasn't fun."

"Sorry," he said and I shook my head.

"It's not your fault. And anyways I realized I can't stay in the aftermath of it forever. Things don't really work for me here without going to Winchester for college. Even if I wanted to I couldn't stay. I have to be somewhere else if I'm going to move forward with college."

"Then come be with me when you graduate."

"What do you mean?"

"To New York." He said as if it was the most normal course of action. I didn't answer. What was I to say to such a thing? Yeah right? Should I laugh? It was comical. So I let a chuckle slip. "You're laughing at me," he made a face.

"Of course I am. It's the only sane response."

"Always so sane," he used a finger to touch the front of my hair. "Look my parents have a place there. It's mostly empty. Mom only comes during Fashion Week. We'd have the city to ourselves. And you can get settled in before school starts."

"Adam I'm not going to live with you for the summer."

"That's not what I said." He replied and I felt embarrassed, had I inferred wrong? Oh God shoot me. "I want you to live with me throughout college too. You wouldn't have to dorm."

Fuck! What?

"What are you afraid of?" He asked to my speechless face. "Oh I'm not trying to get you to sleep with me."

"I wouldn't. I couldn't. I mean I..." I loved how people compared this moment to deer in the headlights but I don't think deer were smart enough to fear for their life or they wouldn't stand there. Every bone of mine panicked looking at him, imagining what could be, what could happen. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready at all for anything and I wanted to crawl back into my hermit shell at once.

"I know," he smirked, "calm down. I just want you there."

"But it doesn't make any sense for me to be there," I looked down.

"Why not? Don't you like spending time with me? Your nights with me?"

"If I were to go what would you tell Olivia?" I asked about the most obvious obstacle in the room.

"I'll figure out a way." He said and my eyes expanded in shock. Figure out a way to keep both of us? To keep her from finding out about me? What was he talking about. "You won't have to worry about her."

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