I agreed with him and jumped up on another chair. My paw had stopped hurting a couple of hours ago thankfully. I tried to get comfortable on the chair. These were out door chairs, made of hard plastic with no sort of cushioning. I eventually got comfortable and closed my eyes. "Goodnight Cooper." I say tiredly. "Goodnight Ash." He replied.

I had trouble sleeping, thinking about my family. My sleep was fitful, and I'd wake up with every foreign sound. I had been camping before, but then I had had the comfort of my family's calm, deep breathing to lull me to sleep. Now I was sleeping next to a stranger.

When sunrise came, it came too soon. I hadn't gotten a full night's sleep and my emotions were shot.

I quietly got up before the sun had peaked over the horizon and went inside. I didn't want to know what would happen if I was late. When I walked in I found Eleanor and her son eating breakfast together, quietly talking together. Eleanor had a cup of coffee she was sipping and if I didn't know any better, I would say she was a normal single mother. Bonding with her child over breakfast.

As soon as the witch saw me her smile disappeared. "Good, you're up. We leave in half an hour." I turned to the lounge and decided to sit and wait, listening to the witch and her son talking. Almost like a regular family. I heard the clinking of plates and glasses as they were put in the sink. I heard footsteps and a thunk from behind me.

"Get in." I heard from behind me. I turned to find a cat carrier open in-front of me. I got in reluctantly. As soon as I was all the way in the witch slammed the cage door shut. The carrier was lifted and I lost my balance. I fell with a thump onto my side. I peered out of the carrier door and watched as the carrier was carried outside. The backdoor to the car was opened and the carrier was buckled in place. The door shut before the front drivers side opened and the witch got in the car.

The witch turned on the radio as she backed out of the drive way. I saw her wave to someone, her son I'm guessing before she sped down the road.

I was silent the whole trip, while the witch hummed along to some classical music playing on the radio. The witch pulled into a parking lot and got out of the car, opening the back door and opening the cat carrier. I got out and looked around.

"Be here at 7 pm sharp." Was all the witch said before she got back in the car and drove off. I was in a small park next door to the cafe. It was empty at this time of morning, the jungle gym sat silent and motionless except for the crows sitting on the monkey bars. I sat down on the dewy grass by the foot path and waited. Not too long after a silver car like the one Isabelle had parked across the road from the cafe. I watched as she got out and walked towards the cafe. When she was inside, I walked over and looked through the large windows.

Isabelle Clark was a conventionally beautiful woman, with long blonde hair and cherry red lips. She ordered her drink and sat at a table, typing away at her phone while she waited. She got up and got her drink, still typing away on her phone before sitting back down at the table.

She giggled at her phone, causing people to look at her. She payed them no mind as she kept typing away, stopping every so often to sip from her drink. She finished her drink and got up. I watched her as she left her mug on the table and grabbed her bag before making her way to the door.

I was beside the door and when she opened the saw she saw me. I freaked out for a second, thinking I had been caught watching her when she exclaimed "hey kitty, you're a little cutie aren't you?"

She reached out to touch me and I backed away. "Aww, maybe next time." She said pouting. I watched her walk to her car and drive off down the road into a parking garage. I walked along the foot past, following. By the time I made it parallel to the car garage Isabelle was walking out and further along the road.

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