Salvatore boarding school

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Salvatore boarding school, a school for the gifted and supernaturals such as Vampires, werewolves and witches and warlocks.
This story isn't about the school but about Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltzman.
At this school not everyone gets along. Vampires, witches and warlocks and werewolves dislike each other each for their traits, so the council has made a law that each species must be betrothed to their own kind and no communication with other species. Hope Mikaelson is a tribrid, all the species in one. She has witch powers and has triggered her wolf curse meaning that she slides into wolf catergory not witch.
And Josie a siphoner witch from the Gemini coven and her twin too, Lizzie.
Josie and Hope were friends when they were little sometimes they still smile but the law is the law.

Hopes POV

This law is so stupid we can't even hang out with our friends not that I have any. But I miss Josie she was my only friend and I mean she tried with me when Landon was gone.

Sometimes we smile in the hall but when other witches and werewolves cross paths they bicker and tease, same as vampires.

MG and Josie we're best friends but they can't be anymore. All I do is stay in my dorm for ever.
I was about to play something on my guitar when a heard a soft knock on my door.

Josie was standing at my door.

"Hey Hope". Says Josie.
"Josie you're not supposed to be here." I softly say as I place my guitar down.

"And plus shouldn't you be with Penelope Park? I ask Josie.

Josie's POV

I got into an argument with Penelope again and so I just left her.
I couldn't deal with her anymore.
I was walking back to my dorm which is down the hall from Hope's.
I was walking when I heard faint guitar strums from hopes dorm.

I know we weren't allowed to talk but no one needed to know.

"Penelope and I got into an argument and I didn't want to deal with it so I was walking to my dorm and ended up here." I tell Hope.
I close the door and I plop onto Hope's bed.
"You still practicing?" I ask.

"Yeah been practicing forever not that I'm good at it now though." Hope says with a little smile that disappears.

"I miss you Hope." I accidentally blurt out while blushing a bit.
Hope saw me blush and replies, "I miss you too Jo."

"Well I'll see you at lunch then?" I say.
"Hm no you won't." Replied Hope.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I'm always in my dorm haven't you noticed?" Hope says with a serious tone.
"Oh well...."  I couldn't even finish my sentence.
Hope raises her eyebrow waiting for me to finish.
"Um bye." I blurt speeding away from Hope's dorm.

I hear a short quiet chuckle from Hope as I left.

Hopes POV

Josie just left my dorm.
I close the door and I check if anyone saw us in the same dorm room.
I then continue to practice my guitar skills.

Third POV

(Hope starts singing with guitar)

*I know in your head you see me instead cuz she looks a lot like I did back then, baby don't lie she's just a lookalike and I'll admit that I sometimes maybe, might think about you at night, almost every night, no matter how I try to hide and erase you from my mind, I'm dying to find a lookalike. This time when you look at her eyes hope you think of mine,  when you look at that smile hope I cross your mind, I hope in your head you see me instead cuz you've been in mine every day since then baby it's time I find a lookalike, I know I can't lie, I need a lookalike*

and singing lookalike by Conan Gray made her feel things it reminded her of Landon.

Hope thought of Josie as she finished the song.

How could something so pure put up with her, she thought.

A single tear rolled down her cheek.

She wiped it away as soon as she heard footsteps coming to her room.

Hopes POV

"Hopey it's lunch, they have special meat today. Come on it's fresh." Rafael says excitedly leaving the room to wait for me.

I wipe my face and I place the guitar down and I leave my room.

"Finally Hope Mikaelson finally emerges from her cave!" Rafael says sarcastically.

—   Lunch   —

Josie's POV

I sit down on one the witches/warlocks table as I was eating off my tray somebody sat next to me.
"Hey JoJo miss me?" Said Penelope.
I ignore her as I keep eating.

"Hey why aren't you talking to me?" Penelope says again.
This time I roll my eyes.

what's wrong!" Penelope says desperately.
"Everything, YOU!" I finally blurt out.

"You think the whole world revolves around you and I'm sick of arguing with you!" I shout loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear.

Penelope seemed hurt I didn't want to seem mean but it had to be said.
"You left me first, but guess what I'm leaving you this time." I say storming off.

As I walk from the table my eyes meet with Hope for a second, but to keep walking.

I keep thinking if what I did to Penelope was wrong or not I mean she kind of deserved it for the stone cold b-
never mind...


For the maybe 1% of you reading this is my first Hosie Fanfiction I hope you'll enjoy it!

Just like a Movie by WALLOWS.

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