Chapter 8 New skills

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I woke up and Brittany was still asleep so I wrapped my blanket around me and went over to the brooks. I walked in and Gina had gone to work and no one was up. I walked up to luke and jais bedroom and went in. They were sound asleep so I hop into jai bed and snuggled with him. He put his arm around my waste and pulled me closer. I soon fell asleep.

"Claudia" Jai whispered.


"Morning" He smiled

"Morning" I said while he pecked my lips.

I giggled.

"I was a nice surprise to wake up to you" He laughed.

I blushed not knowing how to respond.

"You and Brittany are moving here today"

"I know, we'll be top'n'tailing on the couch for god knows how long." I laughed.

"Luke and I offered for you guys to sleep in our beds. We'll take the couch."

"No you guys have done heaps for us don't worry about it."

"I'm fucking trying to sleep." Luke said getting up.

"Where are you going?" Jai asked him.

"Anywhere where I don't have to see yours two PDAing." And with that he was gone and I was snuggled up in Jai's arms. I could get used to this.


"Morning." Luke yelled jumping on my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"I had enough of Jai and Claudia's make out sessions. They're in my room, by themselves right now, who knows what they're doing." He snuggled in closer putting his arm around me.

"We should do something today, just you and me." I suggested turning to look at him.

"Like what?" He smiled.

"I don't know. You choose."

"We can pack" Luke suggested

"Okay let's do it" I said getting out of bed.


"Jai what do you want to do" I said getting out of bed.

"Well I want to go to the gym but you can come if you want" He suggested.

"I have my own idea I see you later" I said kissing him and leaving the room to go home.

I ran up to my room and called Skip.

"Hello" Daniel spoke through the phone.

"Hey it's Claudia"

"Hey what's happening" he said cheerfully.

"I heard you do a bit if boxing" I asked.

"Yeah I do"

"I was wondering if we could do some today" I asked.

"Sure I will pick you up in half an hour?' He questioned.

"Yeah thanks see you soon"

I put in my gym clothes. I needed to do this it's something me and my dad do together ever since I was 13 and I miss him and its the only way I can be with him at the moment.

A car horn went outside. It was Daniel.

"Hey" I said getting into the car.

"Hey Claud's"

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