Chapter 14 Fighting for love

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Today was the day of Dads fight. I felt like I hadn't seen one of his boxing matches In forever.

I was so proud of how far he's come. What he went through was traumatic but he pushed through.

I hadn't talked to Brittany or the boys since Brit called. I still couldn't get my mind off of him. I'd been training with dad the last two days, I needed to let my anger and sadness out, boxing was the only way to do that. I haven't been sleeping since I got here even though everyday I feel exhausted from crying. Maybe it would be good to talk to one of the guys.

"Hello? Claudia?" Beau answered.

"Hey beau." I started crying, his voice reminded me of his.

"I've been so worried about you." He sounded.

"I'm ok." I lied. "How are you? How's everyone?"

"I'm good, we all miss you" He admitted.

"I miss you guys too." I told him

For awhile we talked, not one time did we mention his name. Mum is gonna come back to New Zealand, but Brit decided to stay.

"Do you know when mums gonna be here?" I asked.

"I don't know Claud, she's got a lot of stuff to do." He said.

"Is brit gonna come back to visit?" I asked.

"Yea she's gonna come, probably when bob goes back."

"Ok Beau I'm gonna go now, tell Ja-" i was about to ask Beau to tell Jai I love him. "Uhh tell James I miss him, the others aswell. Bye."

"Bye Claud."

I started bawling my eyes out. I swear every ounce of happiness has been sucked out of me. Just when I thought life was going great it took a dive for the worst, and now I don't feel as if it's not worth living.

I decided to scroll through my photos. Seeing pictures of me and him together just got me more overwhelmed with sadness, anger, frustration and every other horrible feeling you can think of.

I saw one of us at the beach, one of the boys must've taken it, I was sitting on Jai's lap. He was kissing my wrists. He made me promise I wouldn't hurt myself again. But little did he know he was the reason for it now.

I stared at the picture tears rolling down my eyes. Fuck you Jai.

"Fuck you!'' I screamed and threw my phone at the wall.

Me and dad headed down for the fight. He warmed up and talked to his trainers. They gave me a T shirt to wear. Five minutes till dads on.

"Good luck" I said giving him a hug.

For a 50 year old man he is doing well. This his last fight and it's really emotional for me and him because this is his life. His music started and we headed out. The crowd went wild. By the first round he was doing really well. He had to rounds to go and it look like he had won so far.

All of a sudden his partner threw in three amazing punches and he pulled out a knife and stabbed Dad, he fell to the floor. He was bleeding really bad and that mouther fucker has a knife.

I was I shock and all of a sudden phsyo claudia came to life. I knew it was bad and I could loose my dad so I had to help. I jumped up into the ring

"Get the fuck away from him"I yelled.

The guy came at me.

That's it.

I punched him right in the nose. He yelled in pain.

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