10- The End of the Road

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Jamie's POV

The Chapel was very quiet. I looked down at Anne watching her sleep under the pew I was seated on. Her hands were covered with my blood.

I sit up a bit off of the pew, groaning in pain as more pressure was put onto my stab wound...which I knew was going to become infected if it stayed like this any longer. My arm hovers over my stomach and I stand up after countless efforts.

"We really need to get you out of here,"

A grunt leaves my lips and I shift my head quickly to Anne in shock. She stands up without hesitation, rushing to me.

Her hand is placed softly on my wound and she grabs my arm, resting it over her shoulders.

Anne limps to the large doors, opening them.

'Devil is out there!'

'Go outside!'

'No don't!'

I looked both ways to see nothing but a few lights flickering in the plain hallway of hell. Anne pushes herself out of the Chapel then drags me with her.

"Jamie, where is the nearest exit?"

Nearest exit? There was no way we would be able to just walk out of here!

"Anne, it is impossible to leave with just the nearest exit! Devil probably there already!"

'How do you know?'

'Jamie, she is doing the right thing!'


"Well, we best try. You are bleeding out and staying here will do us no good Jamie."

I sighed and looked down at my wet shirt watching the blood stain spread more and more. I look up and see black dots taking over my vision, everything was getting spotty. It might be from the amount of blood loss.

"O-okay, we have to hurry because I am losing sight of everything."

Anne starts to jog a tiny bit trying to pick up the pace and I could tell it was taking a toll on her too. She soon sees a green exit sign glowing above our heads indicating that we were near.

"There it is!"

'She's good.'

'We can do this!'

'Devil will just catch you again,'

'Will you ever learn when to stop?'

"No, I don't w-want to stop! This is my-our moment to get to heaven and you are not taking that away from me!"

"Jamie! What the heck are you talking about?"


"You're losing so much blood you aren't even speaking right," Anne whispers in my ear.

I coughed and gagged on my own blood that had the taste of pennies. The sour metallic taste caused me to gag even more and puke all over Anne. She gave me a look of disgust but ignored it as much as she could.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

'Can you stop humiliating yourself?!'

'Keep this up and Anne is leaving your ass.'

'No! Keep going! You are so close to heaven!'

Anne tripped over her feet and fell onto the ground. I tumble on top of her while having a hard time getting up. Anne shoves me off of her frail body.

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