2- To The Shelter

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"Alan! Did you see that!?" I was falling for her every time my mind wandered. I sighed dreamily, my legs feeling all jittery.

It was quiet for a moment.

"Jamie, I think it's time for you to get to the shelter." The mood shifted quickly as Alan said it straightforward.

'Good for nothing piece of shit.'

'You really aren't worth it.'

'Hope you come to realize you are pretty useless.'

"No no no shut up. I am good enough. What about Anne? S-she she liked me!" I pressed my fingers to my temples, pushing hard.

"Jamie? What are you talking about?'

'Nah, she just used you, she felt bad for you.'

'I'm sure she never wants to see you again.'

"No that's not true. She said she would meet me again. Anne isn't like that, I-I can feel it."

"Jamie, bud. I can hardly keep myself on my feet. I did what I could but now it's time for you to head to the shelter." I kept quiet, listening to his lecture.

I really thought Alan was my best friend. That he was finally someone who could understand me.

'Idiot! No one understands you!'

That's wrong. Anne understands me. I'm gonna find her, and, and prove everyone wrong. I will go to that shelter. 

I sprinted to the door hearing Alan calling out to me. My shoulder slammed into the glass door, busting it open with strong force. Raindrops fell out of my eyes, I wiped them off quickly, running away from Alan.

"Jamie! Please! I'm sorry!"

'We can trust him no more. He is a traitor, just like the devil.'

The sun soon disappeared and the moon shone brightly. I continued to jog through the heavy crowd, trying to find this stupid 'shelter'. I saw a sweet woman with a child in her arms, cooing lightly.

"E-excuse me?" She looked up and her face dropped in an instant.

"Sorry I don't have change." She replied. I tried to reach out to her, begging for her assistance.

"Please! I-I don't know where the shelter is, or what it is!"

"Don't touch me!" She shoved me and walked away. I tried to find someone else who would help me, failing miserably.

"Excuse me? I-I need to find the shelter do you-"

"F*ck off." The man spoke shoving a shoulder into mine, walking the same direction as the woman.

'Just give up Jamie. Go back to the devil.'

'At least you had a place to stay, now you're a homeless bum.'

"No, I will find it. I can do this." I choked on my spit trying to prevent any more tears to run down my already damped and puffy cheeks.

"Ow!" I looked down to see my foot bleeding a tiny bit. A rough boot stomped on it, then another... and another.

My foot slid closer to my other leg, rubbing the top of it with my calf. The friction caused the pain the increase and I gasped at the sudden reaction.

I limped with the crowd as the rush hour had just started to begin. My shoulder became sore and my leg was starting to swell.

"Need a hand?" I turned around and saw the gorgeous beauty stare into my glossy eyes. Anne grabbed my hand without my consent, which I didn't mind, and pulled me away from the harsh crowd.

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