7- Saving Spoon

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Jamie's POV

They separated Anne and me.

I stare blankly at the wall. The white wall that had paint peeling off of it. I glanced up at the flickering lights, getting irritated.

'Bro, you're so screwed now.'

"Stop telling me that!"

That's all they told me, over and over again that I was somehow "screwed"... I mean I had a plan.

Did I?

I was stuck back in hell but this time, Anne was here. I needed to find her and make sure she was safe from the devil.

Okay here's the plan.

Step 1: I wait until lunch, this way both the male and female wards will be together.

Step 2: Find Anne.

Step 3: Talk to Anne about how we are going to escape- I haven't figured that part out yet- but that's what I was going to do next.

'Ha! of course, you were!'

"I am! Why don't we do it right now?" I challenged them.

They were quiet and I smirked victoriously. Perfect, now it's time for the escape plan.

Alright, so, we were back on a schedule except for this time...I was in solitary confinement... all alone compared to everyone else.

The only time I was able to see anyone was during group or lunch...which is where Anne comes in play. Or so I thought,

Anne and I would sit together and we can talk through all the possible escape routes I've had from the first time I've escaped.

Maybe this time I wouldn't make too much of a commotion.


'You better not! If you don't, we might make it out alive.'

"You all worry too much."

A loud banging on the metal door caused me to flinch. I look down at my chained hands trying to avoid any contact.

"Morning Mr. Stock, are you ready to eat?"

Her voice was familiar, the fake tone she always used. You could hear the forced smile all over again.

"Mr. Stock?" She asked.

I ignored her.

She sighed softly and put something aside for me. I glanced down at the metal tray that lay on the bed next to me.

"Today's lunch is meatloaf and rice. Hope you enjoy Mr. Stock."

Wait...I'm not eating with anyone else?

The lunch lady began to leave until I stopped her.


Her heels stopped clicking and everything became silent. I could sense the smirk she had.

"Yes, Mr. Stock?"

'Tell her!'

'We need to know why!'

'Maybe she will be nice enough to let us eat with them.'

'Your plan is ruined kid, better luck next time.'

Ugh, my plan was not ruined! Maybe if I play nice, she would let me eat with everyone else.

"I-I uh, M-Ms...."

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