6- Thrifting or Shoplifting?

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"Alright Jamie, here's the plan,"

Anne tossed the magazine out of her hand and into the trash can next to her. I crumbled the plastic wrap from the sandwich I had currently eaten.

"We are going to walk into that store and grab some new clothes. You really need a shirt Jamie and I need to get out of these disgusting pajamas. If we get caught..run. If not, don't freak out and act as nothing happened!"

I nodded in agreement and glared at the thrift store in front of us watching a few customers leaving. Alright, we can do this. What's the harm of stealing a few jeans and shirts?

'This is not going to end well...'

'I agree.'

'Yes, it is! We haven't changed since leaving the house. The train didn't help either except for dropping us off in this little town.'

'New clothes here we come!'

Not having a shirt was a problem, my body was never fully warm anymore, instead, the cold was numbing me from it. I mean, I was glad to give Anne my hoodie but regret filled me the moment I handed it to her in that stupid cave.

"Now's our chance," Anne muttered,

My hand intertwined with hers as we walked across the street quickly.

The bright sign that spelled 'open' burned my eyes causing them to shut quickly and stopping in front of the wooden oak door. I opened my eyes slowly glancing at the other signs that hung with cheap duct tape.

'No Smoking'

'Camera's on, SMILE'

'No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service'

Damn it. Anne seemed to take notice of the sign also causing her to sigh in annoyance immediately. I felt bad for ruining the plan already...even if it wasn't really my fault this time. She let go of my hand and pushed the wooden door open slowly.

"Jamie, stay out here," She gave me a quick peck. "I'll be out as soon as possible."

Alone once again. I kicked the cement floor harshly and sat down next to the door. It felt like I was a dog waiting for their owner outside. It was awkward.

'Woof dumbass,'

'Oh come on! Don't be like that!'

"Ugh, Fine I'll be happy now. Promise."

Okay Jamie, think positive! It's been two days since we got off of that train and escaped Devil, that's something to be happy about I guess. Anne and I are doing well, we love each other very much. Now that was exciting!

'That's the spirit!'

A small snort left my lips and I rubbed my hands together to warm myself from the gray weather. I didn't know where we were but it seems like we haven't left home. My eyes wandered down to my hands when a pinching feeling occurs.

"Ouch." I hissed out.

I flipped my palm so it was in my sight watching a small trail of blood seeping out of the wound. My hand shook when a raindrop forced itself onto my skin mixing with the rich blood. Yeah, still in New York.

"Come on Anne, it's getting cold out here love..." I shivered.

A whistling sound caught my attention when a man stood next to me, getting ready to enter to shop. His long coat engulfed his entire body, causing the slim man to look like a walking stick. His eyes met mine and he stopped whistling.

ANNE ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora