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The sound of swaying leaves along the wind and the soft rain made Kirishima sleepy. The sound of the rain tapping in his window made it harder for him to stay awake. He was sleepy, he wants to sleep, but the thoughts about Bakugou makes him awake.

He hates me, don't he? Kirishima thought and buried his face in a white colored pillow. He felt like crying, but he can't. Something inside him stops him from crying.

He closed his eyes and tried to sleep when his phone buzzed in his study table. He reached for it and took a look.

Kiribbymunchkin, are
you available tomorrow?

He replied yes and patiently waited for another text.

meet me rn im waiting
in the lobby of my

no questions asked

He wants to know something. He wants to know what's happening in their group chat. But he's afraid that she might answer something he doesn't want to hear.

He didn't replied, but he sent an 'ok' sticker, then wore his jacket before going out to meet Mina.

When he arrived, Mina didn't greeted him nor waved at him. She just dragged him somewhere.


On the other hand, Bakugou was with Jirou. Mina, Sero, Kaminari and Kirishima hiding on a narrow, closed space near them. They made a rule. No one's gonna talk. The one who'll speak will be receive an unforgettable punishment by Mina.

As much as Kirishima wanted to ask because he's clueless about what will happen, he's afraid of the punishment. Especially when it was Mina who'll punish you.

"Katsuki, who is she?" Tenshi asked. Kirishima flinched. He knows that only Jirou and Bakugou was the persons who're inside the room.

"Hi, you must be Tenshi," Jirou's voice rang in his ears. "I'm Kyouka Jirou and I'm Katsuki's girlfriend."

Kirishima knows that they were only pretending, but it still hurts.

"O-oh. Nice to meet you." He can sense the bitterness in the pink haired girl while greeting Bakugou's girlfriend.

I have a bad feeling about this. Kirishima thought. He looked at Mina who just gave him a hushing look and told him to listen

"Go talk to her, K-Kyouka," Kirishima felt the cringe when Bakugou called Jirou in her first name. "I'll just gonna go get and make you a fucking tea." Bakugou said. The door opened and closed.

A silence embraced the room. He can hear some tapping on the table. Morse code.

Katsuki's girlfriend huh?

He knew in an instant that it was from Tenshi.

"Go fuck with me," they all flinched when Tenshi's voice broke the silence. "Fuck you, Kyouka Jirou."

"I'm sorry but I'm not into you," Jirou said. "Unless you are Momo." She mumbled but no one seems to understand.

"Bitch, how dare you steal Katsuki from my arms?" Tenshi said and laughed afterwards. "And here I thought he was already mine since I killed the brown haired girl." A sinister laugh escaped her lips.

Everyone who's hiding and Jirou herself, froze. They didn't expected this.

"And I also threatened the gay ass Kirishima to stay away from him." Tenshi's voice came from cheerful one to cold one in a second.

Kirishima felt that Mina was shaking, in both fear and anger, so Kirishima rubbed her back to comfort her.

Then they heard the sound of chairs and table falling and Jirou screaming in pain afterwards.

"Let me explain it to you," Tenshi said and went to the place they were hidden. Tenshi opened the door and hurriedly touched the four person from Bakusquad that's hiding. She clenched her fist and Kirishima felt an unbearable pain in his head where Tenshi held him, while Mina is holding his heart like Sero who's also clutching it while screaming in pain. Kaminari, holding his stomach rolled on the floor as tears swelled in his eyes when pain crept in his tummy. Bakugou blasted the door but Tenshi is fast and held him in his arms and legs and also his head. "Behave or you shall feel pain like them." Tenshi threatened as Bakugou stared at his friends who's dying in pain.

"Good boy. Now, let me explain," Tenshi said. "Let's start with my Multiple Personality Disorder."


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