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Why do i even have this book its starting to be nothing but a useless reminder of what a failer i am at doing something i like when in reality its nothing but garbage.

Also in recent news people keep trying to fake there way out of trouble and say theyll change but they never do.

Such lies.

Useless human beings like her shouldn't be friends with someone trying to bring happiness and joy and laughter along with a bit of sing and song love and peace to a choir community.

I mean come on im trying here. 😞

Is nothing i do good enough for people am i nothing but a walking baby maker to people or am i a true friend who needs and wants love and friendship!


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What do you think about the new update pretty neat huh?

If ya wanna help a girl/guy out with getting a savings started then you can go ahead and press my account maybe leave a follow and maybe even give a few mooneys to help me get some new books for inspiration at the north teen book festival (which you should totally go too!!!!)

(She's became depressed again....that's so stupid I swear) lmao  what even happened to all that progress she had made (it could be her moms fault like where talking about) yep

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