Nineteen: [Part 1] I Let You Slip Away

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A/N: The next couple chapters are going to be a bit better than the last few that I've written...I felt the story needed to be more eventful, so here's what I came up with ;) (P.S. this chapter might be a little short)

Mika was performing somewhere different. It wasn't a café gig that he tweeted about or anything like that. This was an actual concert that his manager hooked him up to do. The setting was totally different than usual, however. Mika was performing at a nightclub, which was out of my comfort zone. I promised myself I'd never drink or go to parties and clubs, so this was all new to me. But still, I offered to come to Mika's concert because his sisters weren't able to make it.

Mika drove me from his apartment to the nightclub. But Mika had to set up early, so no one was really there. It was only 6:00pm and the club didn't open until 9 pm.

The floor was black tile which glittered in the sunlight, but this was a night club, and after 9 the floor would be covered with people getting wasted.

There was a dance floor with clear tiles and colorful lights underneath. Next to it was a stage and a place for the DJ to make his music. Mika's instruments were already lined up on the stage, including a microphone.

To the side was a giant bar with cases and cases of alcohol. I made a mental note to keep away from that side of the building. But it did have multiple barstools which were black and leathery.

"Kathers can you come here for a second?" Mika called. He was standing on stage by the microphone stand, adjusting it to his height. He wore a white long-sleeved button-up shirt and black skinny jeans. His shoes were black and white sparkly hightops that had spikes on the toes. He wore a cute little fedora and his hair stuck out around it. He looked incredibly good in the outfit.

"Yeah?" I walked in and got myself onto the stage. Mika smiled when his eyes found mine and pulled me into a soft hug.

"Can you make sure the sound amplifies clearly in the back?" Mika asked, making an adorable puppy face.

"Of course." I hopped off and walked to the back of the room. I leaned up against the wall and looked at Mika as he clumsily fiddled with the microphone settings.

"Testing 1 2 3." Mika whispered into the mix. His voice filled the air and it sounded like a sweet melody.

"You're good back here!" I yelled to Mika, who was at the complete opposite side of the room. Mika gestured for me to come back to the stage, so I obeyed, and made my way next to him.

Mika hugged me from behind, keeping his arms wrapped around my neck. It was sort of awkward because I was shorter than him.

"Do you still sing?" Mika suddenly whispered into my ear. The question took me by surprise, since he never asked what I did for a living. He knew that I've wanted to be a professional singer since I was 9, and here he was, living my dream as I worked at a music store.

"In the shower, yes. For a living, no." I let my eyes dart to the floor. I worked in a little shop while he was this amazing singer that debuted at number one on the charts, He shouldn't have to date someone as low-classed as me, compared to him.

"But do you like to sing as a hobby?" Mika suddenly seemed interested in everything.

"Yeah I guess."

"Sing with me!" Mika's eyes pleaded and he flashed a huge goofy smile. I smiled back, laughing a little at his cuteness. I did sing, pretty well to be honest, but I was shy. Mika was the love of my life, but he was actually a professional, and it felt a bit weird.

"No..." I pouted, trying to lighten the mood.

"Why not?"

"I'm not good enough." I twisted my fingers together and stared at the ground. The black tile was sparkling in between my shoes, like I was walking through the sky filled with stars. I could kind of see my reflection in the sleek floor.

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