One: Bow Tie Boy

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  • Dedicated to MIKA, the love of my life

A/N: I'm from America, so if you're from London, I'm sorry I messed it all up


I sat up, surrounded by my lovely purple bed.

"KATHERINE AILSA LESTER, WHY AREN'T YOU UP?" my mother screamed. Up for what? I glanced over at my clock; It was too early in the morning to wake up. I was on summer break.

I looked over at my purple cat calendar and saw a big red star on today's date.


It was the first day of school.

I flung myself out of bed and into the shower. Late! I'm going to be so late! How did I forget? Leave it to me to be late on the first day of school. I ended up putting on some red skinny jeans, a black shirt, and a matching snapback. I kind of owned every color imaginable of skinny jeans and snapbacks.

Anyway, I ran out the door and began running to school, clutching my backpack. Great, another year of school. School didn't interest me that much. It was okay; I got good grades and it wasn't too hard yet, but it was boring. The only class I really liked was choir. But there's this nasty girl named Lindsay, who can't even sing, but takes that class every year.

Lindsay was the most popular girl at our school. She also loved to pick on me.

Finally, my school came into view. I bounded up the brick steps and weaved my way through the hallways until I arrived at the library and found my locker inside. I twisted the combination lock and it clicked open. I put some of my extra school supplies in there, in case I ever ran out during the school year.

Then, I searched for my first class. I, along with many other kids, were looking down at the map they give you at registration. It shows which classes are where. First up, I had choir.

I loved to sing and I did have a remarkably good voice. In fact, I wanted to be a singer when I grow up. I want to be some sort of celebrity like that. Well doesn't everybody?

When I walked in, everyone was already seated and talking loudly, even though school hadn't officially started yet. My eyes swept over the room, analyzing all the people I'd be stuck with for the rest of the year. I caught sight of a girl with blonde hair that was perfectly curly. Her eyeliner was done with precision. Lindsay.

The bell rang and most of the kids quieted down. I, however, was still standing, deciding on a seat. There were only two available seats left: one next to Lindsay or one next to a brunette boy who was wearing a bright red bow tie. I didn't want to sit next to Lindsay at all, but I didn't know this bow tie kid, either. I studied him.

He was playing with his hands that rested in his lap and he was nervously glancing at the floor. Some students were even looking at him and whispering things to their friends. He was obviously the new kid.

I decided to sit next to the new bow tie-wearing kid. He looked pretty desperate for friends and I was pretty desperate to get away from Lindsay. It was a good move, because it turns out Lindsay's best friend, who was just as bad as her, was running a bit late, and that seat next to Lindsay was saved for her. I saved myself from utter embarrassment.

I dropped my backpack on the floor next to my new seat, right next to bow tie kid. Then, in one fluid motion, I sat down into the chair. The chair was bright sky blue, and it was one of those kinds that had the individual desk attached to it.

Bow tie Boy looked up at me nervously. I looked at him, and when we made eye contact, his eyes darted back to the floor. He was clearly nervous about fitting in. I didn't know how he'd manage to fit in with that bow tie on, to be honest.

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