Ten: Birthday Surprises [Part Two]

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  • Dedicated to Paloma Penniman

We managed to eat ten whole orders of large fries. Yes, you heard me correctly, we finished every single bite. How? I have no idea. Why? Just because we could.

Mica and I started off eating slowly and playing with our food, but then things got serious. He took the remaining 8 orders we had, gave me four, took the other four, and challenged me to an eating competition. Whoever could eat the most or eat it all first won.

"Three, two, one, go!" Mica counted. I started grabbing handfuls of French fries and shoving them in my mouth. Mica was doing the same. In 15 minutes, I had won the race.

Our hands were covered with salt, so we washed it off before leaving. People all around the fast-food restaurant were glaring at us like me were crazy. I didn't mind, because they were right. We were crazy.

"I can't believe we just did that." I said, taking Mica's hand. At this point in our friendship, we could hold hands whenever we wanted to.

"It's your thirteenth birthday. You've got to make some memories." said Mica.

"Trust me, I'm never going to forget this." I assured him.

"By the end of the day, we'll have so many memories." Mica said, pulling me down the road. "So let's go make some."

I didn't know where Mica was taking me this time, and I didn't want to ask. There would be no surprise. The way we were going was a part of town I normally don't visit, so I didn't have any initial ideas to where he was taking me.

The smell of kettle corn surrounded me, and the sound of joyful children gave off where Mica was taking me: to the fair.

There were rows and rows of decorated booths, either to sell things or to make money by offering a carnival game. There were multiple rides. Some went high and fast and others were small and slow, for kids. In the center, a huge Ferris wheel dominated the entire layout of the fair. In one corner of the fair was the food court, where various vendors stood and many exotic foods were sold. Next to it were the carnival games. Below the games was a petting zoo, and next to the zoo were all the extreme rides.

"You've got to be joking." I said, staring at everything. The fair was huge compared to all the lame ones my school held to raise money.

"Nope." Mica said from behind. He walked up to a ticket booth and bought a spool of tickets. They were bright orange and half the size of my finger.

"I'm paying you back, Mica Freak. This is too much." I told him.

"You don't pay people back for giving you a birthday present, do you?" Mica countered.

"But you've done so-"

"Shut up and come on." Mica interrupted me. He handed me the the entire roll of tickets and pulled me towards the rides. He dragged me to the line for a haunted house ride. You had to sit in a tiny cart that took you through the house. I could hear a bunch of teenage girls screaming inside.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked. "I get scared really easily."

"It'll be fun." Mica said. The line moved up and it was our turn. I handed the man enough tickets for Mica and I. Then, we went to the boarding platform. The cart could fit two people, so Mica got on and I sat next to him.

"It's your fault if I scream." I said. This was no ordinary kiddie house. The ride had drops, sharp turns, and things to scare you, all hidden by the dark.

The ride entered the haunted house, and two teenage girls, who looked really nice, were in the cart in front of us. Slowly, they started to go up, and I felt our cart do the same. We were going up to drop.

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