Chapter 14: goodbyes and faris wheels

Start from the beginning

The air smelled like stale popcorn and sugar. I couldn't deny the excitement that bubbled up in my chest as we made our way to the entrance. A short girl with blond hair and the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen asked us all for ten bucks a piece. I paid for Ryan and we all got stamps on our writs. "Have an amazing time!" She waved us off.

"Where are we meeting him?" I asked Patrick.

Patrick looked down at his phone and frowned a bit. "He said he's running late, he'll be here soon. You guys go enjoy yourself, I'll text you if I need you." I was surprised by his gesture.

"You sure?" He gave me a smile. "Yes, I'm sure, go have fun."

With that, I gave him a nod and headed off with Ryan. I couldn't stop smiling. Technically this was our first date if we could even call it that. "Where do you want to go?" I asked him, squeezing his hand a little.

He looked around in awe, I honestly never saw him like this and it was nice. "The Faris wheel."

I chuckled, "What a cliche."

He shoved me playfully. "Shut up."

I tossed him over my shoulder and started to run towards the ride.

"Brendon I swear to God! Put me down!" I could feel his laugh vibrate up my back.

"Well since you asked so nicely."

He straightened himself out once he was planted on the ground again. "Not fair I don't have muscles as you do."

"I don't either, but I also don't way -0 pounds."

He pouted and got in line which made me laugh again. He got on first, me closely behind. "This is nice." He stated.

I nodded in agreement. It wasn't every day we were able to drive an hour from where we lived to get away from everyone we knew and just relax without the fear of being caught.

"Look." He pointed over at Patrick, who was with someone who I assumed was Pete. They were holding hands and Patrick was smiling like an idiot.

"Wow, he's not having a meltdown. Remind me to congratulate him later."

His head rested on my should and I saw his eyes close. Without another thought, my arm snaked around him. My head rested on the backboard and I stared up. The sun was about down making the sky a pretty lilac color that was littered with stars. I'm fine with staying like this forever. That sounds like a good plan to me actually. I placed a kiss on his forehead as the ride came to an end. Our hands found each other again as soon as we were off the ride.

"Is it bad that was probably the most fun I've had ever?" He asked.

"Not at all or maybe it is? But whatever cause I feel the same."

He started running, pulling me along with him.

"We've already established I don't run!"

All I could hear was the sound of him laughing through the people shouting and talking.

When he stopped, he placed his hands were placed on my face and kissed me. It brought us right back to the first time it happened. Whatever he was trying to do worked. My arms wrapped around his shoulders and I smiled against him. His breath caught as he pulled back with the stupidest grin on his face.

"Even though I wanna trip you so bad right now for making me run, you are the cutest human being on this planet."

He shook his head, "Not in a million years Urie."

Before I could even argue with him, my eyes caught sight of someone I knew very well.

"Brendon?" She breathed.

Ryan let go of me so he could see who was speaking my name.

"Sarah?" I didn't know what shocked me more. The odds that she was here at the exact same time I was or the fact that she looked close to tears. We weren't even together anymore, so why did I feel so guilty.

She shook her head and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I definitely didn't think this is how I would encounter you again." She blinked back a tear. "But I can see you're doing well." She tried to force a smile. "I should get going."

I couldn't find the words to say so I watched as her frame got smaller.

"Brendon." I felt Ryan pull me out of my trance. He wasn't mad like I thought he would be for some reason he was concerned. "Who was that?" I got the feeling that he already knew.

"That was my ex." I decided I would tell him about the phone call and that I was going to meet up with her not to start over but to clear things up. I braced myself, but once again he completely amazed me.

"Go after her, don't leave it like that. I'll go get us some food and we can continue after you talk, okay?" He placed a quick kiss on my lips and gave me a smile before walking to one of the food stands.

I made a mental note to praise my boyfriend later. My legs went a little quicker in the direction I saw her go. "Sarah!" I called out.

She looked back, her hair scattering across her flushed face. Her body turned around but stayed still. Once I made my way towards her I realized I didn't even know what I was going to say. Should I apologize?

"Im sorry.."

She shook her head, "No im sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I guess I'm still not over us. Which I don't have the right not to be. I ended it, but I guess I was just scared. I didn't want us to end badly over a long distance. So I thought maybe if I ended it beforehand, we both could still have good memories of each other. But I just couldn't stop thinking about you." She had tears in her eyes now. "So I convinced my dad to drive me down here for a week so I could try to win you back but you moved on. Which I don't blame you, but I just want expecting it, I guess."

The guilt in my chest got heavier. "Sarah you're amazing and I hope you know that. We both were going down two different paths anyways. I don't regret anything that we did together, it was all amazing. Im glad I got to see you again."

Her eyes lit up a little. "Really?"

I smiled and nodded. I pulled her into one last hug. She tightened her grip before letting go with a teary smile.

"Don't forget to check in once in a while, okay?"

"Of course, take care, Sarah." I watched her disappear again, this time though, I didn't feel as sad.

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