Chapter Thirty Two

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Elijah? Who's Elijah?

My head turns to see that Roland is talking to him.

Him. Nose piercing boy.

"What have you done?" He screams at him, walking towards him, trying not to step on any blood.

Not like you ever cared about him before...

He- Elijah doesn't say anything. Instead just stands there, his jaw clenched. His hand falls back against his side, the gun still in his hand.

"Why did you shoot them?" He yells again, this time in his face. Elijah just turns his face away from and looks down at the bloody floor.

"You could have just dropped the gun when he asked you to! Why didn't you? Look at this!" He says, referring to the bloody bodies around him. But this time, he doesn't stay silent.

"If I dropped the gun, what would have happened? They still would've killed her!" He screams, looking at me for the first time since all the bullets left their guns.

"They wouldn't have left her even I told them to. They would've killed her, just to make me weak. They wanted me dead! They would've done anything to do that! They don't give a fuck about her! But I do! I actually care about people, and I wasn't gonna let them kill her because they wanted me!" He screams, and Roland takes a few steps back.

"She would've died tonight if I hadn't killed them all! They don't deserve to fucking live! They just kill and kill! I killed them to save lives! They could've easily killed all your guests!" He screams again, pointing a finger to his chest. Roland's eyes follow his finger and he takes a step back, as if regaining his posture.

"Well, I told you to not get involved with this gang shit. You are the one that put yourself in danger." He says lowly, pointing an accusing finger at his son.

"It was the only way. I was the next heir anyway. Besides, I need all the income I can get." He says, lowering his voice.

"Oh my god! Honey! Are you okay?" Meredith comes running in. Her heels are off and she hops around puddles of blood as she runs to her husband.

She quickly pats around his face, and Roland looks very uncomfortable.

"I'm fine." He says simply. Then she quickly saunters over to me.

"It's all your fault! Who invited you?" She asks, pointing a horribly manicured finger at me. It is halfway empty on her fingernail and she really needs to get those redone. I step back to maintain my distance. She has popped my bubble.

"I didn't do anything. They came in here. What does that have to do with me?" I shoot back.

"Leave her alone." He jumps in. And walks over to me.

"You're rich aren't you? You show it off well. Get some of your servants to clean this up." He says, walking over to me and snaking an arm around my waist. I instantly melt into his warmth, I need it after such a long day.

"Ugh!" Roland groans, before punching a few numbers into his phone and leaving the hall with Meredith.

"Delete the CCTV footages and have some money set aside. Be prepared, police may get involved." Elijah says, as Roland leaves, nodding and speaking on the phone.

As soon as they leave, he looks around to notice the brutal hall. It was once so elegant, barely ten minutes ago. Now it looks like a filthy old room. I can't help but scrunch my face in disgust at the smell of so much blood.

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