XXX (14.1)

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Todor set on the ground in his backyard, cross-legged and with eyes closed. He was trying meditation as a way of 'learning his True Name', even though he had no idea what that meant. But no matter how hard he tried to clear his mind and calm his thoughts, something intruded making his efforts fruitless.

Cassandra actually went to work today, Mab's mother returned from her trip so little squire was scarcely around too. So that left Todor alone with a bit of time to try to figure out cryptic advice of the No Terror's memory. Just a weekend left before I have to start working, damn it. I need some ace in the hole.

Someone knocked on the glass-paned door behind him. He got on his feet and turned to look at the visitor. Apprehension dissipated as soon as he recognized who it was.

"You doing that yoga thing I heard ladies at work mentioned?" Irry asked with a grin.

"Something similar, I am trying to figure out my True Name," he said nonchalantly.

Irry's face went blank for a second before she looked at Todor.

"Be careful with that human magic thing. It can be very, very dangerous."

"I know Irry, I know. But I have to try. I am a constable now. I have to be powerful enough to protect people," he said, a tone of desperation and fear making his voice husky.

"That is why I brought this," she said displaying a wooden box in her hands.

"A box?" he mumbled confusedly.

"No silly, the orbs you asked of me. Remember?"

Ah, my idea of powering force field of my coat with magic, he thought, recalling the concept he briefly envisioned. So much happened I forgot about that.

"Great, wanna hang around while I try this thing out?" he asked taking the box from Irry.

"Sure, maybe I can help if you tell me what you want," she said moving a lock of blonde hair from her eyes.

"I had an idea to power my coat and railgun with this orbs because batteries are crappy. Or maybe these things need a lot of juice so no battery can keep up with them."

Irry cupped her chin and nodded twice.

"I see, I see," she said thinking. "I wonder why no one else thought of that? We use them to power our golems but you need initial mana charge to jump-start the mana-ether reaction inside of them."

Todor stared at her blankly. After a few seconds of silence, he rose his hands in the air.

"I have no idea what you just said."

"It's easy, you see. Fire orbs work by creating a vortex of mana and ether which in quite a neat way create electricity. But like all things, it's not one hundred percent efficient. Orb is not perfect container so mana eventually fades and it loses its power," she explained animatedly.

Todor's shoulders drooped.

"Damn it, I hoped it would make electricity indefinitely," he complained.

Irry laughed and clapped him on the back.

"Why would you think such a stupid thing? You can't just make energy from nothing," she said giggling.

"Well, it's magic," he replied sheepishly.

"It doesn't work that way. You can replenish the orb with that box though when it gets depleted," she added.

1. Macabre Marmalade (COMPLETED; EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now