Part 1

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A/N: Uh none of the big events from their respective musicals has happened yet, so Connor isn't dead (but I kept Evan and the tree thing cause I used his cast as a plot device haha)
(Also Evan and Jared are actual friends because you know it's just cuter that way)

Freshman Year. Oh Boy. It's a brand new high school, so there was no way to tell who'll show up. Kids from all sorts of middle schools around the state. Who could guess? But the big part is, you know absolutely no one. You have no idea what it's going to be like.
I'll be ok. It'll be fine. I'll make friends! Fuck my anxiety, I've got this! Yeah! Yeah? Yeah. I hope so. Hm....
You look into the mirror, your H/C hair a bit frizzy despite your constant brushing. After rearranging your outfit for the last time, you decide it will do.
Welp, time to seize the day.
You step out of your room and grab some breakfast that your mom's cooking.
"Good luck at school. I love you!" She says to you, caringly.
"Love you too, Ma!" The second you finish you dash out the door, both your anxiety and excitement building.
You hoist your backpack over your shoulders as you zoom, looking down at your phone as you go. A voice gets nearer and nearer, but you barely notice it...until you run straight into its owner.
"C-c-c-c'mon, c-c-c-c'mon, let's- whOA!"
You and the boy you just crashed into fell to the floor.
You quickly pick yourself up and offer him a hand up. The boy takes it, and you pull his slightly sweaty hand and help him.
"Oh man, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" You ask concernedly. The boy gives you a sort of half smile, somewhat consoling.
"Yeah, um, don't worry about it. It's fine. This..This actually happens a lot."
He pushes a bit of his brown hair out of his face and dusts off the literal fashion disaster of a cardigan he's wearing over a multicolored striped shirt.
"Really? Dude, that sucks." You say in a sympathetic tone.
He shrugs awkwardly.
You fumble around for something to say as you both start walking.
"So, what school are you heading to?"
"Oh, I'm going to Musical High School. How bout you?"
You grinned. "Same, actually. What grade are you in?"
"I'm a freshman, just starting."
You almost gasp.
"Me toooooo! What's your name?"
"Oh, I'm Jeremy. And you are..?"
"Y/N. But you can call me N/N."
Jeremy seems pleasantly surprised by you in general, and gives you a genuine smile, which you return. He then begins to speak.
"So, you ready for a full day of socializing with people you don't know?"
You grimace. "Absolutely not. But at least we know each other, right?"
"Yup. Plus I have my friend Michael. If you want, I can introduce you."
You feel your stress start to melt a little. You don't know what it was about this kid, but it's kind of easy to be yourself around him.
"Yeah, that'd be great."
Your talk is cut short by your arrival at school. The campus is surprisingly small for a brand new high school.
Well, at least that means there's no way I won't meet anyone!
"What class are you heading to?" Jeremy asks, his eyes wide.
You toss your bag on the pavement and pull out your schedule, reading.
"I'm headed to Geometry Honors with Ms. Norbury. You?"
"No way. I'm heading to Geometry Honors but with Ms. Kasey."
You groan in unison. The five minute bell rings a second after that.
"I'll see you around!" Jeremy says as he takes off into the school. You follow suit.
Let's see...classroom 213....
You run up a floor, admiring the freshly painted red colors of your new school and the mascot, which seems to be a jaguar.
213...ah! Here we are!
You walk into the room and find your seat near the back, labeled F/N L/N. The desks are all arranged in rows, and the name tags are all in random order, at least from what you can tell from the two name tags around yours.
Diana Ramirez and Veronica Sawyer. Hm. Wonder why they're so late.
The girl who must be Diana quickly comes and sits in her seat. She looks barely half awake and is dressed in a gray hoodie and black sweatpants to match her eyebags. She holds a coffee in her hand and almost chugs it down with a crazed look in her eye. You consider talking to her, but...
She seems unstable.
You observe the class around you. It's mostly quiet, aside from a few conversations between some particularly social students. Some kid in school shooter chic strides in and finds his seat, labeled Jason Dean. You raise an eyebrow.
Suddenly, the bell rings, but right on time, a girl in nerdy clothes and an obtrusive scarf slides in. She finds her way to the seat right next to you.
She gives you a small smile and a quick "hi" as Ms. Norbury, who has been at her desk the entire time, stands up and begins explaining the syllabus.

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