"They've attacked you guys a lot this year, haven't they?" She commented, seeing Kirishima nod slowly.

"The most recent one was at our summer training camp. They stormed in and injured a lot number of us... kidnapped my good friend... and didn't even seem to care that we were kids."

His fist tightened as he spoke of the night in question. Fuyu realized that the memories of that night must still be strong for him to still so openly say and show it. She nodded to him slowly, looking at his scarlet eyes with a remorseful gaze.

"We can't always understand why they do it... but occurring to them, the ends justify the means."

"How can someone think that though!?" Kirishima rose his voice slightly. "How are killing and hurting people worth whatever goal they seek?"

Fuyu sighed. "I can't say... but who's to say that what we're doing is right either. We regulate quirks, are the ones who deem right from wrong... and make the final decision for others, at times without their consent."

Kirishima looked at her with wide eyes, his mouth opening and closing slightly. Fuyu smiled sadly at him.

"My father was a villain." She stated, no emotion present in her voice. "He made my life a living hell. And now... I'm a rescue hero because I want to save others from the fate I had. That's what I work for. And to me... its justified as long as this reason continues to be my guiding light."

Kirishima's face changed, a look of awe crossing his features. And soon enough, that office famous thousand-watt smile of his was greeting her eyes. Kirishima had already long become the object of many of her peer's affections. His boyish attitude and kind heart was something everyone wanted to protect... Fuyu included.

"You're pretty cool, Alchemist." He spoke, the sincerity in his voice striking Fuyu deep in her heart. "I hope I can be as cool and manly as you one day. But first... I guess I gotta keep working hard and following my guiding light, huh?"

Fuyu nodded to him. "Yes. And you can start by taking your lunch break."

Kirishima chuckled, knowing that he was supposed to take off twenty minutes ago. And now seeing as one of his role models had given him not only her time of day but also some advice... he'd make sure to follow through with her request of him getting some food as well.

He stopped himself though and looked back over to the female. Fuyu rose a brow at him, and Kirishima rubbed the back on his spiked locks gently, as to not ruin them, as he spoke to her once more.

"I'm sorry about what your day did to you... but if you ask me, I'd say you're a really cool hero. And I'm really grateful to have you as someone I can learn from."

His face was a bit of a red mess, no doubt a bit embarrassed to say something so full of emotion to someone he was trying to have a professional relationship with. Either way though, Fuyu couldn't help how her heart squeezed at this.

Even so, she knew she had to remain as his role model... and sadly, she kept with her professional attitude to the little rising star of a hero. A simple nod and proud smile were enough for him to know she appreciated him as well.

He left a few moments later, after having asked of Fuyu wanted him to pick her up anything. She denied, wanting nothing more than to get through her missed paperwork and maybe also get a little ahead for the coming days.

He really was too cute at times... but she needed to focus and get her work done! Her anime and comfy pajamas were waiting at home for her after all!

And thus, she worked hard and scribbled down as many things as she could in the next forty-five minutes. Her pile of papers getting to be less and less as Fuyu fell back into her work groove.

Retention (Dabi x OC - Commissioned OC Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz