Part 19

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Part 19

The beating of the pencil on the desk was a sign of impatience. The female who was doing it let out a soft sign as she collapsed further into her hair then she thought possible. The wheels squeaking as they started to move away from the desk and into the more empty space of her small cubicle.

"Boring day, Soji-san?" Someone called out from behind her and Fuyu looked behind her to spot a familiar red-haired intern who was holding a box of files.

"Yeah... after a week of rescues, the paperwork always seems to put a bummer on my week." Fuyu sighed, seeing Kirishima readjust the box in his capable arms. "What about you, Kirishima-san? Running errands for Fat again?"

The male nodded. "Yup! He asked me to burn these old files. Apparently, since everything has been made digital there is no use for old paper files. So... looks like the furnace in the basement is getting a nice lunch today!"

Fuyu laughed lightly at the male's words and stood up from her desk, picking up a small sheet of paper that had been resting on her desk all week. She held it up to Kirishima and the scarlet-eyed boy looked at it with a surprised expression.

"What's this?" He asked.

"New take out place I've been eyeing." Fuyu told him. "So hurry and dump that stuff off into the hungry furnace and then lunch is on me, okay?"

Kirishima blinked, shaking his head. "I-I couldn't have you pay for me, Soji-san!"

Fuyu shook her head sternly, despite how she was hardly ever stern, let alone serious more than her goofy self. But Kirishima was such a nice kid... one she wished was around during her own high school career. Thus, she couldn't help but want to reward him for all his hard work.

"Nope!" Fuyu smiled. "I'm buying you something whether you like it or not! So either get back up here after you finish and choose for yourself... or I'll order you the nicest vegan item on this menu... and knowing you, you won't deny it and eat it despite not having any meat in it!"

Kirishima held up a fist with his one free hand, using his hip to balance the large box. "Soji-san... I'm moved that you'd want to pay for me... but now I know to accept cause I want to get the meatiest dish there is... "

"I'll give you twenty minutes before I order then, Kirishima-san." Fuyu smiled to him, watching as the boy took off towards the basement stairs.

She chuckled to herself and started looking at the online menu herself. It was a BBQ place... but she didn't need to tell Kirishima that until he was back. The kid was too moved by his own ideas of manliness and heroism that he forgot how little an internship got him... and that students couldn't easily afford things.

So, she didn't mind buying him a meal. After all... it was the end of the week where Fuyu would eat a meal out. And after a week of non-stop rescue missions, she decided to splurge a little and get both her meals out today.

Plus, with Dabi still MIA she had managed to save a lot of money this month from only buying single meals. Thus Kirishima could get a free meal today, seeing as she had grown a bit closer to him this week as well. After all, he had an assignment on rescue methods and was delighted he came to her for help. So it looked like no matter what... Kirishima was getting a free meal in her mind.

As she waited for Kirishima, the rescue operator for Fatgum popped by Fuyu's space, handing her the paycheck for this month and with a smile said how nice it was to have her back at full force. And then slipped onto her desk a few thank you notes from civilians who had been helped by her as well. A card from children always made her the happiest and to her luck, it appeared that the boy she had pulled from a fire on Tuesday was in the pile.

Retention (Dabi x OC - Commissioned OC Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora